listening i gapy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam mam do zrobienia takie zadania czy mógłby ktoś pomóc pozdrawiam . Prosze o nie przerazeniem sie ilosci tekstu ....:)

1.Fill in the gaps with correct forms of the given verbs.

If you (leave) early, you (catch) the train.
When I (be) home, I (look) for the book you want to borrow.
I (call) her as soon as I (arrive) .
Unless she (find) a job, she (not buy) a new car.
Mum (pick) you up from the airport unless she (not have to) work overtime.
If you (not study) hard, you (pass) the exam.
As soon as I (see) her, I (tell) her to call you.
I (push) the button when I (be) ready.
If we (not do) our best, we (not succeed) in the competition.
Unless the students (behave) well, the teacher (make) a test

2.A ghostwriter is a professional writer who is paid to write books, articles, stories, reports, or other texts that are credited to another person. Many important people, for instance politicians or actors, hire ghostwriters to write or correct autobiographies, magazine articles etc. In music, ghostwriters are used in film score composition, as well as for writing songs and lyrics for popular music.
While some ghostwriters are hired to correct a first version of the book, others are hired to do most of the writing from the information the credited author gave them. For some projects, ghostwriters will do a lot of research, as in the case of a ghostwriter who is to write an autobiography for a well-known person. Ghostwriters are also hired to write fiction in the style of some authors. For instance, popular authors such as James Patterson hire ghostwriters to publish more books.
Officials and politicians hire 'correspondence officers' to answer the great number of letters they get. A number of papal encyclicals have been written by ghostwriters. With medical ghostwriting, pharmaceutical companies first pay writers to write papers and then they pay famous scientists or doctors to write their names on these papers before they are published in medical journals (magazines). In the 2000s, a new type of ghostwriting became popular: the blog ghostwriter. Companies or organizations sometimes hire ghostwriters to post comments to their blog (it makes the blog look popular). Some university and college students hire ghostwriters to write essays or papers for them. Ghostwriters work also in fields outside non-fiction and fiction publishing. Composers have long hired ghostwriters to help them to write musical pieces and songs; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is an example of a well-known composer who was paid to ghostwrite music for rich patrons. Musical ghostwriting also happens in popular music. A pop music ghostwriter writes lyrics and a melody in the style of the credited musician. Ghostwriting also happens in the visual arts, for example paintings.
(Adapted from
1. If people think that you are the author of something, we can say that this work is(c------d to you.
2. A book in which someone writes about his or her life is called an(a-----------y) .
3. Ghostwriters sometimes need to find information about some things before they write - it's called doing(r------h) .
4. Music used in a film is called a film (s----).
5. Novels and stories are sometimes also called(f-----n) .
6. Encyclicals are religious books written by(p--es) (or their ghostwriters).
7. When ghostwriters are hired by pharmaceutical companies to write papers it is called (m-----i)ghostwriting.
8. Blog ghostwriters write (c------s)on blogs.
9. (P--------g)a book means that it is printed in many copies and people can buy it.
10. A well-known musical ghostwriter was (------)
- <-- wskazuje literke do wpisania


Do wstawienia bo obejrzeniu tego

is very sticky
you should talk to them in your imagination
by reading
by writing
because it's fun
you might write something that someone has already written
while you're writing your novel
when you can answer the questions from the Proust questionnaire for them
to make them behave like real people in the novel
will make your book stronger and more beautiful
so you need to be persistent (patient)
but it probably won't be very good
1. If you don't read a lot of novels
2. You will learn a lot about writing a novel
3. You should read
4. You can write a novel in a week
5. Cobbler's wax
6. Writing a novel takes usually a lot of time,
7. You need to get to know your characters
8. To get to know your characters better
9. You know your characters
10. Subplots (the other stories in the novel)
To jest Twoja praca domowa i nikomu nie zależy na jej odrobieniu bardziej niż Tobie. a skoro Tobie nie zależy, to na co liczysz?
Z czym masz problem?
edytowany przez fui_eu: 08 sty 2014
w 1 nie wiem jakie to formy mam wstawic jaki czas itd.
w 3 tego kolesia zabardzo nie rozumiem i nie potrafie wyciagnac odpowiednich odpowiedzi
to się przepisz do słabszej grupy
Cytat: zielonosiwy
to się przepisz do słabszej grupy

To się nie udzielaj jeżeli nie masz nic ciekawego do powiedzenia .
albo Ci sie nie chce wziac do pracy i zrobic to samemu, albo faktycznie nic z tego nie rozumiesz i robienie takich zadan jest bez sensu
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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