move onto my back

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czytam książkę i nagle nie rozumiem dlaczego bohaterka jest zmieszana... Moglibyście pomóc?
“I can move onto my back if you want. I mean, move back.” I stuttered as he stared at me with his lips twitching slightly. I mean I can move farther back, if you need more space.”
Temat bardzo pasuje na dzisiejszy dzien Walentynkowy....
“I can move onto my back if you want. Onto my back - polozyc sie na plecy...
I mean, move back.” ...posunac sie do tylu
I mean I can move farther back, .... posunac sie wiecej do tylu

Widac, ze dziewczyna chciala jego zachecic linguistically......
Yep:). It was a kind of Freudian slip on her part, her subdued wish if you like,
to let him have these three furtive minutes in the missionary style with her lying on her back..
(you know, 'Kentucky straight' or 'man on top'), but she immediately sets herself straight about it not to give him the wrong impression.

The asker left out a 'few vital components' a couple of sentences earlier for this context, haha

"He was handsome ..... His blue eyes looked into me with a bright light,
and I could see a hint of a smile on his full pink lips. I licked my lips unconsciously
as I stared at the man across from me...."

"I don't mean I'll go on my back or anything, I mean I can move farther back...My face burned red as I tried to explain myself"

Btw, how's that for my literary analysis? I guess this would make any English teacher going red as a beet right off the bat:)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 14 lut 2015
Ah, te kobiety...wiedza jak zachecic.
Czy ktos ogladal 'Fifty shades of Grey'?
niee, tylko 'American Sniper'


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