Dear Chris,
I had an enjoyable day yesterday.
Me and my family went to celebrate Christmas to my grandparents because this time is a very important in Poland. Traditionally it is the time when a whole family gets together and rests.
First, we had Christmas dinner which was really delicious. Next, we sang Christmas carols. Later, my favourite part of the evening - unwrapping presents! I was excited because I got a ticket for a concert my favourite rock band! My brother has got small puppy. We had a laught, because my brother gave his name Batman. He is a big fan of this film. I will always remember that moment.
I don t like share the holy wafer. I think that it is embarassing and annoying. I m angry when my parents invite friends for work. (chodzi o to, ze zapraszaja znajomych z pracy i jestem o to zla, nie wiem czy dobrze to ujelam). I like when the Christmas time spend with my family not with acquaintance of my parents. (w tym zdaniu chcialam napisac, ze lubie spedzac moje swieta z rodzina a nie z znajomymi moich rodzicow, rowniez nie bardzo wiedzialam jak to ujac).
Tell me, people in the London celebrates Christmas? (Czy ludzie w Londynie obchodza swieta?)
How the look your Christmas? (Jak wygladaja Twoje swieta?)
Dziekuje z gory za poprawe bledow.
edytowany przez LunaMoon: 13 mar 2016