bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie wypracowania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Last Tuestady I went to the art gallery 'Morandówka', situated in the centre of Zamość. There was an exhibition of protography and batik 'The portraits of the people of Zamość – the light and the colour'.
The main author of the exibition, accomplished photographer, who is also the director of Youth Centre in Zamość, invited me for a photografic session some mounth ago, and my face also appeared in this exhibition, which is his recent private view. So I prepared me carefully to this event. It was important to me to look good.
The event started at 7 pm. At this time the gallery was full of people . There was the president of Zamość and a good deal of others significant people of our town. They can admire not only the artistic, black and white photographs, but also the great batiks – full of colours and imagination pictures painted by the young people who attend art workshop in the local Youth Centre. The batiks also showed the faces of inhabitants of Zamość. The young artist received awards for their talent during the event. After the official part guests watched with attention works, exchanged their opinions and expressed many positiv comments.
The exhibition was a great succes for the autors. But it was also an emotional experience for the people who taken part in a photo session and could see their faces on the exhibition.
jeszcze dziś jest mi to potrzebne, może ktoś poprawić błędy? bardzo proszę!
Please!!! mg, pomożesz?
braki przedimkow
ortogr mounth
which is his recent private view nie rozumiem
. So I prepared me carefully to inny przyimek this event.
a good deal tylko do niepoliczalnych
of others significant people of our town.
They can CZEMU CZAS TERAZNIJESZY admire not only the artistic, black and white photographs, but also the great batiks –
guests watched TUTAJ DOPELNIENIE with attention
positiv ORTOGR
succes ORTOGR for the autors. ORTOGR
proctography? :-)
wielkie dzięki! private view - znalazłam w słowniku, ze to wernisaż. złe użycie?
After the official part guests watched with attention works, exchanged their opinions and expressed many positiv comments. ja bym nie dał 'watched'
edytowany przez Aaric: 24 lis 2016
teraz ok? nie bardzo wiem, gdzie tych przedimków jeszcze brakuje i czy te co dopisałam, to dobrze:
Last Tuestady I went to the art gallery 'Morandówka', situated in the centre of Zamość. There was an exhibition of protography and batik 'The portraits of the people of Zamość – the light and the colour'.
The main author of the exibition, accomplished photographer, who is also the director of Youth Centre in Zamość, invited me for a photografic session a few month ago, and my face also appeared in this exhibition, which is his recent private view. So I prepared carefully to that event. It was important to me to look good.
The event started at 7 pm. At this time the gallery was full of people. There was the president of Zamość and a lot of of other significant people of our town. They could admire not only the artistic, black and white photographs, but also the great batiks – pictures full of colours and imagination painted by the young people who attend the art workshop in the local Youth Centre. The batiks also showed the faces of inhabitants of Zamość. The young artist received the awards for their talent during the event. After the official part the guests watched the works with attention, exchanged their opinions and expressed many positive comments.
The exhibition was a great success for the authors. But it was also an emotional experience for the people who had taken part in a photo session and could see their faces on the exhibition.
Aaric, a co zamiast watched?
Last Tuestady I went to the art gallery 'Morandówka', situated in the centre of Zamość. There was an exhibition of protography nie widzisz tu literowek?
Cytat: Lighea
wielkie dzięki! private view - znalazłam w słowniku, ze to wernisaż. złe użycie?

w zestawieniu z proctography ma sens, ale tylko wtedy. To skojarzenie jest winą kolegi Aarica

jeszcze jedno, na wystawie to on the exhibition czy in the exhibition?
jeszcze jedno, na wystawie to on the exhibition czy in the exhibition?
Cytat: Lighea
Aaric, a co zamiast watched?
np look (odpowiednio) ;-)
dzięki Aaric, znalazłam literówkę:)
a co do tego wernisażu: face also appeared in this exhibition, which is his recent photography private view. OK? no i co z tymi przedimkami?
a może AT the exhibition?
Ja bym powiedział 'I was at the exhibition' ale 'his works appeared in the exhibition'
mg i Aaric, bardzo wam dziękuję za wczorajszą pomoc, jesteście niezawodni!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia