"Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Every College Snowflake Q&A #6" yt

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Nie mogę zrozumieć, co Saphiro jej odpowiada?
"Thank you for coming. Okay. It's like...."
ja tyle słyszę: it's like you now ... an anonymous meeting

Wiem, że nie na temat, ale strasznie słaby ten Shaprio. Jak chcesz posłuchać kogoś naprawdę ciekawego, to polecam ci tego gościa (nie łysego):
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 28 gru 2018
Too much background noise. I'm sure what ever he says, is not part of his agenda.
Cytat: Aaric
Too much background noise. I'm sure what ever he says, is not part of his agenda.

Never separate the subject from its object with a comma. :-)
But I agree. I just had a chance to listen to him before on Sam Harris' podcast and the guy wasn't making much sense; on top of that, his voice is rather annoying. At least he's willing to engage in discussion.
On the top of that, 'what ever' suppose to be together, but I blame Autocorrect for that boner.
Yes, I figured you wouldn't have written 'what ever' of your own free will.
I've never heard of the man before, but he does talk sense.
He does for those seeking simple answers in this immensely complicated world.
He's one smart cookie. Became a millionaire in his early twenties.
Just listening to that one presentation I think that he shows people that sometimes someone can have a tunnel-vision view, but once you unpackage it, they don't even know why they think that.
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