Które tłumaczenie wybrać ?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Chcę przetłumaczyć:
Dlaczego warunki wysyłki są takie niekorzystne ?
Nie wiem, które z tłumaczeń słowa NIEKORZYSTNE jest tu odpowiednie.
adverse, unfavourable, disadventageous, unpropitious.
Why conditions of the shipment are so ............. ?

Z góry dzięki .
I'd go with 'unfavourable'
so would I.
Why are shipping conditions...?
Why conditions of the shipment are so ... ?

Let's start with "why (no article?) conditions of the shipment…?" The more definite "the shipment " is, the more forcefully it demands "the conditions." "The shipment" can't get any more definite than it already is.

Excuses such as any of those popularized technicalities: storming seas in winter, low tide again, and Putin's meddling in international shipping rights cannot justify the indefiniteness.

Why not cargo size limitations, advance excise duties, prohibitive pricing, excessive lead times, or other disagreeable stipulations? Be specific. You don't need a blanket word for all those things. The more blankety the noun, the more nondescript the adjective will be.
I forgot to comment on unpropitious: I love it.
sprawdzilam to slowo, - not propitious, inauspicious, ill-omened, unlucky.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.