Strategic Marketing Partnership

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Dobry wieczór :)

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Among several types of partnerships between companies there are two that help in client acquisition and are usually referred to as strategic marketing partnerships.

The most basic one is Referral Partnership, well known and understood type of cooperation in which partners refer their customers to one another. The strongest relationship is in Integration Partnership as from the customer perspective the separation of product or service providers is unnoticeable or immaterial.

We can see two elements in play here: product or service and promotion (customer acquisition through communication of market offering). In Referral Partnership the two businesses provide services/products and communicate their market offerings separately. In Integrity Partnership both the products or services and the promotion efforts are integrated resulting in combined, and ideally(?) increased, value of product/service and improved market offering.

What is missing here are the transitional forms between the two types of cooperation:
The most basic one is Referral Partnership, (tutaj ja bym byla sklonna dac 'a') well known and understood type of cooperation in which partners refer their customers to one another.

In Integrity Partnership both the products or services and the promotion efforts are integrated resulting in combined, and ideally (o.k.) increased, ( wg mnie przecinek niepotr) value of product/service and improved market offering.
Dziękuję bardzo, terri.

Z perspektywy czasu widzę/wydaje mi się, że potraktowałem Was przedmiotowo. Przepraszam :)
hej, nie czuję się potraktowany przedmiotowo, czasem po prostu człowiek nie ma czasu albo przeocza takie prośby.
To nie tak, po prostu jak teraz na to patrzę, jak i na swoją sytuację i czego ten tekst dotyczy, to zdałem sobie sprawę, że chyba nadużyłbym pomocy (i nadużyłem pomocy terri). :)
Zresztą będę pisał więcej tekstów i muszę sobie zorganizować proofreading we własnym zakresie. Inaczej byłoby to nie fair.
Pisz wiecej, zebysmy wiedzieli ze sie poprawiasz ...:-).
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.