Zadania gdzie trzeba wstawić "the/a/an".

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć, mam do zrobienia 2 zadania. W pierwszym trzeba wstawić "the" tam gdzie jest to konieczne.
W drugim trzeba wstawić the, a/an,-.

1 zadanie
1. … Vistula, which starts in …. Beskid Mountains and flows to …… Baltic Sea, is ...... principal river of …. Poland.
2. ….. United Kingdom is composed of …. Great Britain and …. Northern Ireland.
3. ….. Mississippi and …. Amazon are among …. longest rivers in …. America; …. first flows through ….. United States, …. second through ….. Brazil.
4. …. largest country in …. Europe is …. Russia; …. second largest is ….France.
5. In some countries …. black have not … same rights as …. white.
6. Her dress was stripped …. black and …. white.
7. When …. is fine, one can easily see …. moon.
8. Do you go to …. school in …. summer?
9. This is …. Lake Windermere.
10. Shall we meet at …. supper?

2. zadanie
‘…. Saturday,…. November 15th was …. sort of day when nothing seemed to go right. I had decided to go to London to buy …. book about …. medieval churches. To start with, I missed …. 9.15 direct train to … central London, which meant I had to go …. different, longer route via …. Clapham Junction. Then, when I finally reached … London, I found that …. specialist shop for …. books on …. architecture that I had planned to visit was closed. ‘Oh, well,’ I thought, ‘as …. winter is approaching, I’ll buy myself …. new anorak at one of …. big department stores in …. Oxford Street.’ I bought …. anorak and got …. 3 o’clock train home. After changing trains at …. Clapham Junction, I was alarmed to find that …. carrier bag with my new anorak was missing. I tried to get another train back to …. Clapham Junction, only to learn that …. bomb scare had closed every single line to …. station. So I took …. taxi back to Clapham and, as I approached …. station, I saw lots of police standing round …. object on …. platform. I recognized it immediately as …. bag I had lost, but my relief turned to …. horror when I realized that it was my bag that had caused …. bomb scare!’
no to wstaw, ktos byc moze sprawdzi
1. zadanie
1. The Vistula, which starts in the Beskid Mountains and flows to the Baltic Sea, is principal river of Poland.
2. The United Kingdom is composed of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
3. Mississippi and Amazon are among the longest rivers in America; the first flows through theUnited States, the second through Brazil.
4. The largest country in Europe is Russia; the second largest is France.
5. In some countries the black have not same rights as the white.
6. Her dress was stripped black and white.
7. When is fine, one can easily see the moon.
8. Do you go to school in. summer?
9. This is the Lake Windermere.
10. Shall we meet at the supper?
7 dobrze przepisane?
edytowany przez Aaric: 30 kwi 2020
jedna podpowiedz: wszelkie wody ogólnie z the z wyjątkiem jezior
całość została skopiowana
W 7 przynajmniej 1 slowo brakuje bo inaczej to nie ma sensu a w 6 moim zdaniem 1 slowo zle napisane albo w Limeyland tak pisza, chociaz watpie.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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