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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Wykorzystując wyrazy podane wielkimi literami uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką tak aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego.

It’s possible that the night will be wet, do take an umbrella.

In case it will be cold, take an umbrella.

Czy to zdanie jest poprawne?
simple present
moze wet a nie cold do tego parasola?
wet or cold? Make up your mind.
Nie pamiętam, abym kiedykolwiek brał parasol z powodu zimna...
Słuchajcie mam jeszcze jedną zagwozdkę - dlaczego w tych podkreślonych zdaniach jest past continuous lub past simple ? Za nic nie mogę tego zrozumieć. Proszę ślicznie o pomoc.

Sometimes I hate computers! Once, when I was trying to do my English homework on my laptop, the battery ran out. I was lying on my bed and I was listening to music on Spotify. It helps me to concentrate.
I was also chattingto my friend Daniel on Facebook. OK, so I wasn't concentrating very hard on my
homework and I forgot to plug in my laptop!I didn’t notice that the battery was getting low. I was just finishing the essay when the screen went black. I lost everything. I screamed
in frustration. My dad came running into my bedroom. I almost cried so he
12gave me his laptop. I tried to remember everything in my essay – it was quite difficult
especially because Daniel was sending me lots of funny videos. Anyway, while I was watching one, the WiFi stopped working.
In the end it was probably better because I managed to finish the essay
A jaki czas wg Ciebie powinien byc w tych zdaniach?
Np. W tym pierwszym zdaniu użyłabym when I tried, dlatego że jest when, albo bardziej pasuje mi didn’t concentrate.
W sumie tam gdzie jest Simple użyłabym continuous i na odwrót. Nie mogę tych przykładów przyczepić do żadnej regułki.
I was also chatting to my friend Daniel on Facebook. OK, so I wasn't concentrating very hard on my homework
Jednoczesnie odrabialas zadanie i gadalas na czacie
Ja bym uzyla chat with nie chat to

I was trying to do my English homework
to tez jest jakis proces rozciagniety w czasie- probowalas zrobic zadanie (nie sprobowalas)

I screamed in frustration.

Gdy ekran zniknal krzyknelam (nie krzyczalam)

I almost cried

prawie sie rozplakalam
The progressive routinely takes an eventive verb to make a state out of it, which brings in at least two properties that unmodified simple eventives do not: durativity and homogeneity. Your story is about discharging a computer battery. Just think about it.

“Chat to + addressee” seems to be quite a smart way of saying “use an internet chat instrumentally to communicate something to someone.” In the same vein would be “chatting to + subject” (parallel to “speaking to something” to mean “giving a talk about something” in an internet chat).
Chat to and chat with are both accepted in BrE. However, chat is a two-way conversation and for this reason chat with is more common.
In AmE chat to sounds awkward and is rather not accepted.
"chat is a two-way conversation "..."chat to sounds awkward and is rather not accepted. "

So is "speak to someone" and "talk to someone.", both in AmE and EE.
I can chat to you a message, radio to you a message, telephone to you a message, and telegraph to you a message... In all of those "chat," radio," "telephone," and "telegraph" are back-verbalized nouns, if you get my drift.
Cytat: chippy

Irrelevant. You are too.
You don't get it.
Cytat: Janski
I can chat to you a message

Sorry, but this isn't used.
Cytat: Janski
Cytat: chippy

Irrelevant. You are too.
You don't get it.

No, you don't get it. I did not post the link to discuss anything because I don't want any interactions with you. This one is the last one , because I want to clarify a few things.

1. I do not appreciate personal remarks, so keep them to yourself. The next one will be reported.

2. The link is for those who need the verbs tell, talk etc. to be organized a little. What you wrote is chaotic and not accurate and serves no educational purposes for intermediate students such as the Querent.
And now:

1.Jeśli wchodzisz na forum aby pomagać, to używaj normalnego prostego języka dostosowanego do poziomu osoby pytającej.  Wywody typu "which brings in at least two properties that unmodified simple eventives do not: durativity and homogeneity" niczego osobie średnio zaawansowanej nie wyjaśniają, a są wyłącznie popisem erudycji. 

2.Jest to forum merytoryczne, więc wypowiadaj się  merytorycznie, bez osobistych przytyków do nikogo. Od leczenia kompleksów sa gabinety psychologiczne. 
Mam jeszcze jedno pytanie - jak będzie

She is looking very elegant today.
She looks very elegant today.

Jest today, wiec powonienie być present continuous.
obie wersje sa poprawne. PresCont jest mozliwy wlasnie dlatego, ze chodzi o dzien dzisiejszy
Re: chippy rant

Get it: you are irrelevant means "Dearest, do yourself a favor and kick rocks, will you?"
“Jest today, wiec powonienie być present continuous.”
“.obie wersje sa poprawne. PresCont jest mozliwy wlasnie dlatego, ze chodzi o dzien dzisiejszy”

That's absurd.

She’s looking very elegant. OK
She looks very elegant. OK
She’s looking very elegant today. OK
She looks very elegant today. OK

Let’s make it more than clear:

She looks gorgeous right now/ tonight/at this very moment/as we speak…. OK
She looks gorgeous. OK
She’s looking gorgeous right now/ tonight/at this very moment/as we speak…OK
She’s looking gorgeous, OK.

So much for your mechanistic (and mnemonic) understanding of “tenses.”

You don't get it, do you:

She’s looking very elegant today. OK
She looks very elegant today. OK
Did you see Jenny? She's looking very elegant in her new, short hair.NOT OK
Did you see Jenny? She looks very elegant in her new, short hair. OK
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.