i pisze maila do sir/madam..please correct!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have registering problem. I can't register beacuse of unknowing the proper name of University located in York.

At present I am living in Poland but I am planning to go to York and have part-time work there.
Please inform me instantly, what caused problem with registration.

*I have registering problem - nie jest poprawnie - lepiej - I appear to be having a problem with my registration.
spelling - because, unknowing-lepiej 'not knowing' - (dlaczego nie mozesz znalezc University of York na internecie?)
*Please inform me immediately - (to wyglada na rozkaz) czy nie lepiej sie zapytac - 'would you please inform me...
Additional registration detailsrn Register | Welcome page rnrnIn order to be affiliated with this institution you must enter ALL the information requested below. rnPlease enter the name of your York collegern rnrnIn case of difficulty with registering, please email the Careers Centre [email] takiego mi wyskakuje
W University of York jest 8 colleges. Wejdz na strone Univerisity of York, zobacz ktora to jest - tam jest tez email i nr fax. A jak sie emailuje to potrzeba dac wszystkie dane. Sprawdz tez jaki stopien ang. jest potrzebny.


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