różnice w słówkach dot. podróży

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Jakie są różnice pomiędzy poszczególnymi znaczeniami słówka "podróż"?
- journey (długa podróż?),
- trip (krótka podróż? kilkudniowa?),
- voyage,
- travel,
- excursion,
- tour.
- package tour (wyjazd zorganizowany?).

Są jakieś jeszcze?

Interesuje mnie także różnica pomiędzy słówkami: time off, holiday, holidays i vacation.
Czym się różnią:
- schedule od timetable;
- pace od stride - oba są tłumaczone jako "krok" - czy tu chodzi tylko o zastosowanie odpowiedniego słówka z danym wyrażeniem, np. to take sth in one's stride - spokojnie podchodzić do czegoś?
Kolejne pytanie akurat nie dotyczy podróży, ale też różnicy w słówkach. Przy okazji nadal proszę o odpowiedzi do wcześniejszych postów.

Jaka jest różnica między słówkami: to urge i to persuade? Oba znaczą namawiać do zrobienia czegoś.
'to urge' is stronger than 'to persuade', and means 'to try hard to persuade somebody to do something'
As far as I know 'schedule' is more American word than English one. I guess you can use them interchangeably.
According to my dictionary, 'stride' is a long step in comparison with 'pace'. And obviously there are words that collocate more often with one word and more frequently with the other.
> I guess you can use them interchangeably.

Well, what to do if I have both possibilities on the test and only one is appropriate? For instance "to urge" and "to persuade".
I don't think you can use them interchangeably.

persuade = to MAKE someone decide to do something; przekonywac, namawiac

urge = to strongly suggest that someone does something; nalegac, zachecac, namawiac

W tym zdaniu nie mozna ich uzyc zamiennie:

We persuaded him to buy that house. Przekonalismy do kupna tego domu (i on ten dom kupil)
w domysle: przedstawilismy mu stosowne argumenty i dal sie przekonac.

We urged him to buy that house. Namawialismy/zachecalismy go do kupna tego domu. (i moze kupil a moze nie; bez dodatkowej informacji nie wiemy tego)

I finally managed to persuade him to go out with me. W koncu udalo mi sie namowic go na randke.

His friends really urged him to go out with me. Jego znajomi bardzo namawiali go na randke ze mna. (ale z tego zdania nie wynika czy dal sie przekonac czy nie)

His friends persuaded him to go out with me. Jego znajomi namowili go na randke ze mna.
It's not my fault that you didn't understand me correctly - I meant that 'schedule' can be used interchangeably with 'timetable', NOT 'urge' with 'persuade'.
> 'to urge' is stronger than 'to persuade', and means 'to try hard to persuade somebody to do something'

I understood that both meanings are the same but one of them is a bit stronger, however the meaning stays the same.
For the last few days I've been making a lot of tests and all these words were the possible answers but I didn't know which one to choose.
Thank you both for explaining. I think I understand it now :)
Martunia remember - if you are 'making a test (creating)' then I'm sure you are a teacher or something, if you are 'doing a test (solving)' - you must be a student I believe. Please note that there is an enormous difference between the two verbs.
Cheers. ;-}
maybe martunia was making some tests, then doing them ;))
martunia, co do słów takich jak persuage/urge, czy innych par o podobnym znaczeniu w testach czesto chodzi o sprawdzenia znajomości wzoru tego czasownika, wieć tu trzeba patrzec. są słowniki 'words often confused' i tu znalazłabys wiele odpowiedzi na tego typu pytania.
Travel is the most general word that stands for the act of going from one place to another. It does not necessarily imply a return.

Journey describes travelling from one place to another over a considerable distance. That's why in the test sentence we are talking about is a three day journey.

Trip is often travelling to a place and coming back the same day and so it is not usually long. You are staying in a hotel on holiday and the travel company representative will organise trips to places of interest and you will come back to the hotel that day for your evening meal.

Tour describes travelling from one place after another over a period of days/weeks and visiting various towns/cities and in the end coming back to where you started. This is also a word used on the internet sometimes described as a virtual tour when you are shown a series of pictures describing the site you are looking at.

An excursion is an outing or a day trip made for pleasure (a picnic, for example).
OK, thanks ;) I'll remember that and I'll repeat "make" and "do" ;) But I also saw another word instead of "do", however I can't remember which word it was. Maybe you know?
i jeszcze
voyage - act of travelling by water
package tour - to taka wycieczka zorganizowana, kiedy to o nic sie już nie musimy martwić
->a tour arranged by a travel agent; transportation and food and lodging are all provided at an inclusive price
schedule vr timetable - juz bylo, zgadzam sie z engee30
schedule is the AmE word for timetable BrE
tu mowa o testach, bo tłumaczenie z jakiejs strony wasnie na podstawie testow wyboru. mozesz sobie tam zerknąć zeby zobaczyc jak wyglądało zdnie
I'm sorry martunia for my pointing out the mistakes to you, but there's another difference between 'repeat something' and 'revise something' - I'm sure you were trying to say that you would revise the two verbs ('make' and 'do') NOT repeat them; 'repeat something' means 'to say, write or do something more than once' or 'to say aloud something that you have heard' whereas 'revise something' means 'to look again at work that you have done, in preparation for an exam'.
wracajac do tej ksiażki, ktora w fajny sposob tłumaczy różnicę, pomiędzy podobnymi słowami

tutaj jest link: www.biblioteka.anglisty.pl
a dale w dziale slownictwo 'Angielskie wyrazy kłopotliwe' (35zł). Mozna zobaczyc przykładowe strony. Fajna jest rowniez seria 'Key words for fluency' na różnych poziomach i Idioms / English vocabulary organisers

Dużo kupuje z tej własnie strony i napradę polecam miłosnikom angielskiego,:))
I heartily agree with you, iwona - that online bookshop is worth recommending to everyone who wants to improve their command of English. I'm in possession of a few books from that store and can't say a bad word about the books since they were all written by native speakers of English most of whom are lecturers at universities.
> I'm sorry martunia for my pointing out the mistakes to you

I'm glad that you correct me. It's better to make mistakes here than during my exam ;-)

iwonabp, I'll have to buy one of them ;) They're great. Now I'm reading "Najczęstsze błędy w języku angielskim... i jak ich unikać".
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FCE - sesja wiosenna 2006