Prosze o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o sprawdzenie listu do przyjaciela z góry dzekuje.

Dear Clark,
I want some tell about myself and my live and you can do the some when you write to me.

I live in Nowa Ruda near my home is a sports field, where I play footbal with my friends often.

I live with my parents and my older brother, Marcel.
My father worked for the mining, but now is retired and my mother is inside desinger.
I go to secondary school where I have a lot of friends.
My hobby is football, I like too listen music and meeting new people.At the weekends I like riding on my bike.

At the moment I,m watching TV because is match soon.
I,m lookingo forward to hearing from you!
Write soon!

Best regards.
Sprawdzi mi to ktoś bo na jutro musze juz oddać?
Dear Clark,
I want {to) tell {you something} about myself and my {life,} and you can do the {same} when you write to me.

I live in Nowa Ruda, {Poland}. {There's a sports field} near my home where I {often} play {football} with my friends.

I live with my parents and my older brother, Marcel. My father worked {in the mining industry}, but now is retired, and my mother is {an interior}desinger.

I go to secondary school where I have a lot of friends. My hobby is football. I {also} like {listening to} music and meeting new people. At {} weekends I like riding {} my bike.

At the moment {I'm} watching TV because {there's a} match {on any minute}.

{I'm} looking forward to hearing from you!
Write soon!

Best regards.