sprawdzenie egzaminu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Wlasnie przebijam sie przez zeszloroczny egzamin na ap i mam kilka watpliwosci,bylbym bardzo wdzieczny za sprawdzenie.z gory dziekuje:)

Synonim do sound _ _ T _ _ _ _ _
w kontekscie:There is the kindly,bengin Ford, a man of rough manners,down-to-earth humor and sound common sense.

He suggested----------- rye insted of wheat this year.

A)to seed B)sawing
c)sewing D)sowing

Tu dal bym B ale nie wiem co znaczy sowing

I zdnania do sprawdzenia :) [moje wpisy]

1.I (chyba musialem brac)[I must've been having ]
a shower then and therefore I did not hear (jak wyszla)[as she left]

2No sooner(poszedl spac) [did he go to sleep]
than we promised to wake him up when father(przyjdzie) [comes back]
from work

Tu nie jestem pewien czy jest to time clouse ,czy raczej powinnienem wpisac [would come back].I na przyszlosc jak to odroznic??

3We (będą naprawiac dach) [will have the roof being mended]
at the begining of next month.

Tu chetnie nie wpisal bym being ale mam watpliwosci

Z gory wielkie dzieki:))
He suggested----------- rye insted of wheat this year.

A)to seed B)sawing
c)sewing D)sowing

po suggest jest 1 + ing wiec odp a) odpada.

sawing => przepiłować
sewing => przyszyć
sowing => zasiac , wiec d)
...and sound common sense = untested common sense

d. already done

Don't use any contractions in any kind of tests, unless you are told to do so, please.
1. [I must have been having/taking] a shower then and therefore I did not hear [her leave] home.
2. No sooner [had he gone to bed] than we promised to wake him up when father [came back/returned] from work.
3. We [are having/will have/are going to have the roof mended/fixed] at the beginning of next month.
Dzieki bardzo mam jeszce jedno pytanko czy
......I did not hear [as she left] jest nie poprawne
Reszte pomylek zrozumialem i wiem o co chodzi
As far as I know, it is possible to say that 'somebody heard as somedody/something else did something', but the meaning is different then. Cf.

The last thing Ardamal heard as he raced down the corridor was the tinkle of metal parts... as = wtedy, gdy/wtedy, kiedy
...was the only thing that we could hear as the door was firmly shut.
as = ponieważ

So the sentence: 'I did not hear as she left' could be misunderstood as 'Nie słyszałem, ponieważ ona wyszła'.
