Proszę o sprawdzenie okresów warunkowych :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1.Gdyby on wiedział o jej chorobie nie wyjechał by.
If he had known about her illness, he wouldn’t have left (3)
2.Jeżeli Susan wróci do godziny 7 zabierzemy ją na przyjęcie.
If Susan backs to 7 o’clock, we will take her to the party (1)
3.Nie wiedzieli byśmy o tym gdyby nie napisali o tym w gazetach.
We wouldn’t known abort that if they hadn’t written about that in newspapers. (3)
4.Czy pójdziesz z nim do kina jeśli Cię poprosi?
Do you go with him to the cinema if he asks you? (1)
5.Czy był byś zadowolony gdyby oni tak o tobie mówili?
Will you happy if they say about yu this. (1)
6.Jeżeli obiad nie będzie gotów to idź do restauracji.
If dinner doesn't ready, you will go to the restaurant. (1)
7.Gdyby on był moim bratem pożyczyła bym mu samochód.
If he had been my brother, I would have lent him car. (3)
8.Jeśli wczoraj nie padał by deszcz pojechali byśmy na wieś.
If hadn't raoned yesterday, we would have went to country. (3)
9.Poczujesz się lepiej jeśli weźmiesz aspirynę.
You will feel better if you take aspirin. (1)
10.Na Twoim miejscu pracował bym mniej.
If I were you, I would work less. (2)
11.Nie prosiła bym go o pomoc gdyby nie był moim przyjacielem.
I didn't ask him for help if he wouldn't be my friend. (2)

W nawiasach wpisałem numer okresu. Z góry dziekuję za poprawienie błędów :)
Pozdrawiam !!
2. ...Susan gets back until...
3. ...wouldn't have known...
4. Will you go to the cinema...
5. Would you be happy if they talked about you like that?
6. ...isn't ready, go to the restaurant.
7. If he were my brother, I would have lent him the car. OR I would lend him the car.
8. ...hadn't rained...would have gone...
11. ...wouldn't ask OR wouldn't have asked if he weren't my friend.
1.Gdyby on wiedział o jej chorobie nie wyjechał by.
If he had known about her illness, he wouldn't have left /might not have left (3)

** For past conditionals that have results in the past, we use modal Perfects (would /could/might have, etc.) in the main clause:

Had he told me earlier I could have done sth about it.

* For past conditionals that have results in the present or future, we commonly use would, could or might:

If you'd listened more carefully to his directions, you wouldn't be lost now.

2.Jeżeli Susan wróci do godziny 7 zabierzemy ją na przyjęcie.
If Susan gets back by 7 o'clock, we will take her to the party (1)

3.Nie wiedzieli byśmy o tym gdyby nie napisali o tym w gazetach.
We wouldn't HAVE known about it if they hadn't written about it in newspapers. (3)

4.Czy pójdziesz z nim do kina jeśli Cię poprosi?
WILL you go to the cinema if he asks you? (1)

5.Czy był byś zadowolony gdyby oni tak o tobie mówili?
WOULD you BE happy if they were talking about yOu like THAT.
6.Jeżeli obiad nie będzie gotów to idź do restauracji.
If dinner ISN'T ready, go to a/the restaurant. (1)

7.Gdyby on był moim bratem pożyczyła bym mu samochód.
If he WERE my brother, I would have lent him the car. (past subjunctive)

8.Gdyby nie padał wczoraj deszcz pojechalibyśmy na wieś.
If it hadn't been for the weather/ a proper rain yesterday, we would have GONE to the country. (3)

9.Poczujesz się lepiej jeśli weźmiesz aspirynę.
You will feel better if you take aspirin. (1)

10.Na Twoim miejscu pracował bym mniej.
If I would work less /I wouldn't work so hard if I were you. ( PAST SUBJUNCTIVE)

11.Nie prosiła bym go o pomoc gdyby nie był moim przyjacielem.
I wouldn't ask him for help if he weren't my friend (but you are my firend)

(Past SUBJUNCTIVE ) - however, it refers to future. Hence, we know that he is 'your' (good) friend

When we talk about unlikely or impossible situations in the present, we use PAST SUBJUNCTIVE or UNREAL PAST in the if-clause to indicate that te opposite is true:

If I didn't know you so well, I'd say you were laying. ( but I know you)

If only you weren't so stubborn, you'd agree with us. (but you are stubborn)


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