co oznacza zwrot "drop it like it's hot"

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co oznacza wyrażenie slangowe "drop it like it's hot"??? prosze o odpowiedź
zrzucaj (w domyśle: z siebie ciuchy) tak jakby były gorące ( w domyśle: parzyły ) widze ze Snoopa słuchamy :):):)
.... a "music to watch the girls go bye"? muzyka przy ktorej ogladamy .... i juz nie chce kombinowac ;] kto mi powie co to znaczy? :/
no słuchamy, słuchamy:)) tylko niestety nie zawsze rozumiemy;))
nadal nie wiem co znaczy wyrażenie zawarte w temacie:'(
z Wikipedii:

The existence of the expression "drop it like it's hot" in pop culture predates this song, originating with its use by Lil' Wayne as a guest rapper on Juvenile's 1999 hit single "Back That Azz Up". Lil' Wayne also has a song called Drop It Like It's Hot, which was released in 1999. The expression is basically a call for a female to perform a suggestive dance (usually directly in front of or with a male) that involves shaking her lower body until it touches or nearly touches the floor. Since 1999, and especially after the success of Snoop Dogg's single, the expression became a common phrase among adolescents and young adults. Also, the expression "drop it like it's luke-warm" has emerged as a frequent term teens and rappers use alike as a parody.
dzieki Ci bardzo :))
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