will passenger

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Will passenger ... please procede to the information desk.

Czym ta forma will różni się od zwykłego please procede to ...
nie jest wyrazona trybem rozkazujacym (Please) procede... or Procede... (please).
Czyli z will jest grzeczniej?
absolutely! :-D
>absolutely! :-D

Jeszcze ladniej byloby z 'proceed'
jeszcze ladniej i grzeczniej byloby z 'would'...Would yall passengers please proceed...
no tak z proceed jest ładniej :)

Dzięki wszystkim za pomoc
Terri, ale smieszna literowka:
Would y'all passengers :-)
A pamietacie z "Czy leci z nami pilot" (czyli "Airplane!") tlumaczenia z angielskiego na 'ebonics'? Np. napis "RETURN TO YOUR SEATS / GOBACKEN SIDONNA"
sama sie tym zaskoczylam :-)
"Passenger" is no title. Why not "Will Mr. Smith proceed to... "?
It's jargonese and journalese at the same time to say "Will teacher Mean, pupil Nitwit, journalist Hack, and soldier Slayer proceed to..."

Unless you all talk Dixie, "all" in "y'all" and "you all" is too close to "you" for comfort.
You are all requested to proceed...
>"Passenger" is no title. Why not "Will Mr. Smith proceed to... "?

Też mnie to dziwi, ale wygląda na to ze tak się mówi bo to zdanie z rozmówek biznesowych
They are apparently pushing corporate airport Globish.
That's ugly jargon.
No normal human being speaks like that.

A drill sergeant might yell at his recruit though
"Soldier Dumbbell, drop and give me twenty!"
but that's just about it.
Jest na to jakieś wyjaśnienie - nazwiska mogą się powtarzać więc by wiadomo było o kogo chodzi dodaje się: pilot, pasażer, steward itd :)

A jak wzywali Toma Henksa w filmie The terminal?
Powinno być
... Toma Hanksa w filmie The Terminal
>Jest na to jakieś wyjaśnienie...

>A jak wzywali Toma Henksa w filmie The terminal?
I said no normal human being speaks like that. Got it?
> They are apparently pushing corporate airport Globish..
Yes, but I read somewhere that 'language is power'. Anyone who calls you just by your surname indicates that you are a 'lesser mortal'.
Znalezione w sieci
will passenger xxx please proceed to gate xx for IMMEDIATE boarding
Will passenger Eckber from Miami please go to airport Information where your tour leader is.
Will any reminding passengers please proceed ...
Will Passenger Mr. T please report to the check-in counter?
Will passenger Mr. Tim Reid arriving from Canada, please proceed to the information desk.
Will passenger Michael Kinsley please pick up a white courtesy phone.
will Senator [name witheld] please pick up the white courtesy phone
Will passenger MacDonald for Amsterdam please report to gate number 24 immediately, as the flight is now closing.
Will passenger Mandie Waudby please press the stewardess button.
Will Passenger Bailey flying to. Hong Kong contact the South. Pacific Airlines information desk in. Terminal Two please.
Will passenger Preston please report to the American Airlines ticket counter?
Will passenger Paul X please expose himself to the stewardess immediately...
ej?, dlaczego ja nigdy nie jestem tam gdzie takie rzeczy sie dzieja?
>>>Will passenger Paul X please expose himself to the stewardess immediately...
Widocznie nie latasz Lufthanzą
>>Jest na to jakieś wyjaśnienie...

What the hell does 'don't' advert to, Gab?

>I said no normal human being speaks like that. Got it?
And what do you have in mind saying 'normal human being'?
>What the hell does 'don't' advert to, Gab?
Blockheads like you will never know.

>And what do you have in mind saying 'normal human being'?
Read my lips again. I am typing this really slowly because I know you are a slow reader:
I said no NORMAL HUMAN speaks like that.
>Yes, but I read somewhere that 'language is power'. Anyone who calls
>you just by your surname indicates that you are a 'lesser mortal'.

Lesser human being must be classed and caged accordingly.
Internet search privileges shall be taken away from passenger Bushujacy.
>Blockheads like you will never know.

No, Gab, it reads like this, 'Blockheads like you will never be able to explain any matter to anyone like me', I'm afraid.

>>And what do you have in mind saying 'normal human being'?

Okay, I was kidding - I always knew you had your misery self in mind saying so.
A czy normalni ludzie zwracają sie do innych jak Ty?
>>Jest na to jakieś wyjaśnienie...

Just to throw light on the matter:

>Jest na to jakieś wyjaśnienie...
There's some explanation for this...
There isn't. (NEVER Don't)

Mysle, ze jest na to jakies wyjasnienie...
I think there's some explanation for this...
Don't. or There isn't.
Don't. (elision) = Don't (you) think so. = Don't (you) think that there is some explanation for this.

Gab, just comment on the above ;)
You can fight against it but you'll lose because it's a well-established convention of not only English but Polish "institutional" language as well...

So relax a bit... ;)
Polish "institutional" language as well...

Polish has nothing to do with it. It's like saying 'how do you do' must not be used because we don't greet anyone in Polish using a phrase that includes 'robić'.
mg, po pierwsze, mowa tu nie o formulce witania sie z kims, ale o takim przekazie jak 'Uprasza sie pasazera Andrzeja Andrzejewskiego o udanie sie do...' czy bardziej 'wojskowo' 'Pasazer Andrzej Andrzejewski uda sie do...' czy lagodniej 'Pasazer Andrzej Andrzejewski jest proszony o udanie sie do...'
w angielskim wyglada to tak, jak jest to wyzej przedstawione:
Will passenger Andrzej Andrzejewki (please) proceed to...

po drugie, w twoim zdaniu >'It's like saying 'how do you do'
>must not be used because we don't greet anyone in Polish using a
>phrase that includes 'robić'. brakuje bardzo waznej czesci zdania. Wnat a shame!
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1-30 z 61
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