I've been wondering why IT IS czy IS IT?

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1. Dokladnie jak w temacie. Mowimy:

I've been wondering why IT IS that we sometimes say... czy I've been wondering why IS IT that we sometimes say...?

2. Czy można powiedzieć "Why are you being in such a rush?" bo mam ćwiczenie w którym muszę wybrać między ores. simple a pres. cont. i zastanawiam się dlaczego w odp. jest "Why are you in such a rush" nawet gdy chodzi dokładnie o TERAZ...

boths IT IS and IS IT are correct.

Why are you being in such a rush is incorrect. When you say "why are you in such a rush" it implies now, this very moment - "teraz" , so there's no need to add "being"
>I've been wondering why IT IS that we sometimes say...

To moja opcja. Jako, ze nie jest to pytanie proste powinno sie nie zamieniac szyku zdania oznajmujacego.
I've been wondering why it is that...
I've been wondering, why is it that... - w tej wersji pytanie zaczynające się od 'why' jest jakby cytatem (po przecinku) i zachowuje szyk pytania.
yeap, all depends on a kontext...
>on a context

a nie 'the'?
jasne, ze the
actually neither.....depends on context is correct ( AmEng),...saying that Brits most likely say the context or a context.....depending on context :)
Nobody would say 'a context' in this context, sorry.
I did..
So you must be that nobody mg was writing about. :P

No worries, sometimes you can say 'a context':

In such a context...
In a context like that...
...it provides a context in which...
...was presented in a context where...
...something happens in a context of something else...

lol..I must be...
weren't we discussing the phrase 'depend on ??? context"?
No room for 'a' here. That's as much (and as little) as I wanted to say.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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