krótki list do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
proszę tylko o sprawdzenie czy nie zrobiłam w tym liście jakichś błędów gramatycznych itp. i o ewentualną poprawkę. dzięki.

Dear Chritina,

I hope your travel to Poland was OK and you didn't have any problems with find my house. This letter should help you during your holidays in Lodz. I wrote a few tips for you here.
My house isn't very big but it's cosy and I hope you'll like it. Your bedroom (guest room) is in the front of the house. It's big and pretty and I think it's comfortable but if you don't like it, you can sleep in my bedroom upstairs. It's smaller and quieter and it isn't less pretty than the guest room. Your choice.
Don't be bashful and help yourself to the food in the fridge. The kitchen is at the back of the house. You can eat in the dining room or at the terrace if you want to.
My house is situated in the centre of the city and there are many shops, discos and other attractions near. There are some good restaurants, if you prefer eating out.
SPHINX's is the most popular and exclusive but it's also the most expensive. Havana's restaurant is also really good and cheaper than SPHINX's. They do delicious dishes of the oriental kitchen.
The nicest place to go shopping is Galeria Łódzka. There are a lot of good boutiques and restaurants. You can drink coffee in the Coffee Heaven or read the magazines or books in Empik. There's one supermarket if you need to buy some food. But if you prefer walks in the city, I recommend you shopping at Piotrkowska Street. There's lots of clothes shops, bars and discos. If you want to go to the cinema, you can go to the Silver Screen. It's near the Galeria Łódzka. It's the one of the biggest cinemas in Lodz. You can play billiard too or bowling. If you prefer spend your free time in quieter places, you should go for a walk to one of Lodz's parks e.g. Poniatowski's Park.
Well, that's all I can think of for now. I hope my tips will help you during your holiday in Lodz. Phone me or write if you have any questions yet.

Enjoy yourself.

Dear ChriStina,
I hope THAT your travel to Poland was OK and THAT you didn't have any problems with findING my house.
My house isn't very big, (przecinek przed but) but it's cosy and I hope you'll like it. Your bedroom (guest room) is 'in' AT the front of the house. It's big and pretty and I think it's comfortable, but if you don't like it, you can sleep
in my bedroom upstairs. You can eat in the dining room or 'at' ON the terrace if you want to.
My house is situated in the centre of the city and there are many
shops, discos and other attractions nearBY.
SPHINX is the most popular and exclusive, but it's also the most
expensive. Havana restaurant is also really good and cheaper than
...the city, I recommend you GO shopping at Piotrkowska Street.
It's 'the' (niepotr) one of the biggest cinemas in Lodz. You can play billiard too or GO bowling. If you prefer TO spend your free time in quieter places...
Phone me or write if you have any questions. 'yet' (niepotr).
dzięki :)


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