Jak to przetłumaczyć?

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Mam problemy z przetłumaczeniem następujących fragmentów:
1) Na razie jednak o przenosinach rządu i parlamentu nad Odrę nic nie wiadomo. Wrocław musi się zadowolić mianem najatrakcyjniejszego miasta w Polsce południowo-zachodniej.
2) Przewodniki zalecają rozpoczęcie wędrówek po Wrocławiu od rynku. My zacznijmy inaczej - od dworca kolejowego.
3) W styczniu 1967 roku, na peronie numer trzy zginął najbardziej charyzmatyczny polski aktor filmowy - Zbigniew Cybulski. Dziesięć lat wcześniej zagrał scenę niemal proroczą: w \"Popiele i diamencie\" jako Maciek Chełmicki ginął w pobliżu wiaduktu kolejowego.
4) Z przedstawicielami ulicznej bohemy można pogawędzić o czasach Pomarańczowej Alternatywy i upadku piosenki artystycznej, zaś z właścicielami galerii i sklepów z pamiątkami powspominać smutne czasy wielkiej powodzi.
5) Brokuły zapiekane w serze - pierwsza klasa!
6) Nad rynkiem króluje sześćsetletni ratusz, uznawany przez historyków sztuki za jeden z najpiękniejszych tego typu obiektów w Polsce.
7) zrazy wołowe na kilka sposobów
8) Jeżeli zaś ktoś chce otrzeć się o prawdziwą bohemę powinien zajrzeć do Klubu Artystów.
9) Nie ma w tym określeniu cienia przesady.

Za wszystkie sugestie bardzo dziękuję.

1) Na razie jednak o przenosinach rządu i parlamentu nad Odrę nic nie

As of now there are no talks of moving the Government and the Parliament down to the Oder River.

Wrocław musi się zadowolić mianem najatrakcyjniejszego miasta
>w Polsce południowo-zachodniej

Wroclaw will have to remain content with being named the most attractive city in the South West Poland.

>2) Przewodniki zalecają rozpoczęcie wędrówek po Wrocławiu od rynku. My
>zacznijmy inaczej - od dworca kolejowego.

Most Tourist Guides recommend that we start off our sightseeing tour with the Town Hall Square. However, we will kick off with a trip to the Train Station.

>3) W styczniu 1967 roku, na peronie numer trzy zginął najbardziej
>charyzmatyczny polski aktor filmowy - Zbigniew Cybulski. Dziesięć lat
>wcześniej zagrał scenę niemal proroczą: w \"Popiele i diamencie\" jako
>Maciek Chełmicki ginął w pobliżu wiaduktu kolejowego.

In January of 1967 the most charismatic Polish actor by the name of Zbigniew Cybulski was tragically killed on platform #3. Ten years prior to that he had played a role of Maciek Chelmacki in \"Ashes and Diamonds\"as if predicting his own demise by being killed near the train\'s overpass.

I am running out of time for more....
\"the most attractive city in the South West Poland\"

should be either one of the following:

- ...in the southwestern part of Poland.
- ...in Poland\'s southwest.

or possibly:
- ...in the southwestern Poland.
I stand by my South West Poland. Might add a dash between those two...the South-West Poland.
You can stand by South-West Poland, but NOT by THE South-West Poland, hyphenated or not.

...in the South-West ( end, part, region, etc.) of Poland...is OK.

... \"as of now\" doesn\'t mean \"for the time being, for now\"; it means \"starting from,\" especially when backdating or postdating.

In January (no of) 1967…

...\"in the southwestern Poland\" isn\'t possible either.
\"the\" was indeed unnecessary and I overlooked that one.

\"As of now\", is \"as of the minute I\'m writing this\" or as \"of right now\" , \"the situation as it is now\". And that\'s exactly what the Polish sentence says, doesn\'t it?
In January of 1967 - \"of\" is commonly used in front of the year.

Got time to finish off what I have started?
>In January (no of) 1967...

Either one.

> but NOT by THE South-West Poland,

southwest Poland/the southwest Poland (virtually no diffrence) are both ok.

>>... \"as of now\" doesn\'t mean \"for the time being, for now\";

\'As of now\' means \'At this moment\' thus it may has the same meaning as \'now/for now\'/.

>>hyphenated or not.

Ja bym nie pisal ze spacja lub myslnikiem bo \'South West\' oznacza kierunek na kompasie. Wszystkie inne sa wg mnie ok.

>...\"in the southwestern Poland\" isn\'t possible either.

It\'s very possible too
4) Z przedstawicielami ulicznej bohemy można pogawędzić o czasach Pomarańczowej Alternatywy i upadku piosenki artystycznej, zaś z właścicielami galerii i sklepów z pamiątkami powspominać smutne czasy wielkiej powodzi.

The city\'s downtown Bohemians will spiel to you about \"The Orange Alterantive\" as well as the fall of the artistic song movement while the gallery and souvenir shop owners will sadly reminisce about the Great Flood.
> the artistic song movement

also: the a.s. genre
>6) Nad rynkiem króluje sześćsetletni ratusz, uznawany przez historyków
>sztuki za jeden z najpiękniejszych tego typu obiektów w Polsce.

Towering over the main square is a 600-year-old town/city hall, considered by art historians to be among the most beautiful in its class in Poland

>8) Jeżeli zaś ktoś chce otrzeć się o prawdziwą bohemę powinien zajrzeć
>do Klubu Artystów.

If you feel like rubbing shoulders with real Bohemians, drop by the Klub Artystow.
What makes The Artsistic Song movement \"artistic\" anyway? I am a bit confused since I am pretty sure ANYONE who writes/sings their songs wants to consider himself/herself an artist....? Even the trashiest songs ( and there are many!) have their song \"artists\" listed so aren\'t all the songs someone\'s artistic expression of one sort or another? Therefore, why aren\'t ALL the songs considered artistic?

Just wondering.

Perhaps it has something to do with the lyrics alone?
also other possible suggestions for \"rub eshoulders\":

meet up with
bump into
run into
stumble on/upon
A good point, Natalie! Actually, \"piosenka artystyczna\" in Polish refers mostly to songs sung by actors. The lyrics are frequently taken from poems, i.e. they are not wrirtten specially for the music and if they are, they\'re generally \'poetic\'. Also, because most of the performers are actors, the artistic expression becomes as important as the lyrics or music. Closely related to \"piosenka artystyczna\" is \"piosenka poetycka\", the difference beign perhaps that the latter is more often performed by non-actors who usually write music to their own lyrics. Some of the products of both genres are really heart-rending and will stay with me forever, but may others are form over content. And, as you noticed, they all seem to say \"we are better by definition than the regular pop/rock/metal/hip-hop/indie etc. trash because we are artistic/poetic\"
Oh, and I forgot to mention \"piosenka aktorska\". So, p. art. = p. poet. + p. akto.
My 2 cents.
9) Nie ma w tym określeniu cienia przesady.

There is not the slightest exaggeration in this....statement?/

I don\'t know what Michal is talking about
These epithets are not in the least overstated.
(say, you call a park \"the most beautiful park in the world\". This is an \"okreslenie\")
7) zrazy wołowe na kilka sposobów

a variety of beef rouladen dishes

5) Brokuły zapiekane w serze - pierwsza klasa!

broccoli fried up in cheese - finger licking!/first class!/yum!/scruptious!

Perhaps it\'s good to mention what kind of cheese...mozzarella, cheddar, Parmesan, etc.
Thanks MG!!! That explains a lot. Poland IS a highly cultured country and it\'s a good feeling! :)
zapiekane\"fried up\"
smazone=\"fied up\"
>>8) Jeżeli zaś ktoś chce otrzeć się o prawdziwą bohemę powinien
>>do Klubu Artystów.

If you want a taste of the true bohemia, the Klub Arytstow is the place to visit.

>If you feel like rubbing shoulders with real Bohemians, drop by the
>Klub Artystow.

Bohemians - the people of Bohemia
bohemians - the artistic fringe ;hobnobbing with real bohemians (also not a bad choice of a word)
>smazone=\"fied up\"

Zasmazac to mozna cebulke ;)

Broccoli and cheese casserole then?
Niezbyt dobry dowcip. Zasmażać można zupę.

Po angielsku będzie to \"To brown (flour)\".

Zasmażka - browned flour and butter
>Niezbyt dobry dowcip. Zasmażać można zupę.

Cebulka sie o to chyba nie podsmazy, co?
\"zapiekane\" then means baked in the oven and not pan fried. And, I think, it would indeed make a great casserole!!!
alez nie!
a tak na marginesie...mmmmm podsmazana cebulka....mmmmmm, na zloto - najlepsza w ruskich pierogach.

cos mi sie obija o uszy (zoladek raczej), ze zapiekane w serze to sie jakos tak zwie (nie gwarantuje poprawnej pisowni) - z francuska ;o) \"gratin\", ale to sie do tego (warzywa jakiekolwiek, brokuly, ziemniaki) dodaje troche swiezej bulki/chleba tartego zeby sie ladna skorupka zrobila.
cos mi sie obija o uszy (zoladek raczej), ze zapiekane w serze to sie jakos tak zwie (nie gwarantuje poprawnej pisowni) - z francuska ;o) \"gratin\", ale to sie do tego (warzywa jakiekolwiek, brokuly, ziemniaki) dodaje troche swiezej bulki/chleba tartego zeby sie ladna skorupka zrobila.

A casserole is almost always baked in the oven in a large deep dish. I have never tried making a caserole stove top method as I don\'t think it would taste as good. Au gratin means that the cheesy part on top is baked golden brown and it gives you that nice crunchy top. But you can bake a simple lasagna in the oven and have it \"au gratin\" as long as you have cheese on top. And most lasagnas do anyway.
A casserole is known for being called a leftover dish since almost anything can be thrown into it. Leftovers from the day before always taste better when baked the next day with a can of creamy mushroom soup.
and in the \"other\" English it would be \"roux\"
Well, \"roux\" is, I think, our Polish \"zasmazka\" - so it\'s a combination of fat (butter/lard/cooking oil etc) and flour used for thickening (great for stews, soups, sauces, gumbos, etc). You want this to fry into a nice golden brown color without burning it (once burnt the roux gets lumpy and it\'s of no use)
For making gravies we can also use a combination of cold water and cornstarch and it will have a similar effect but with a nice glazy appearance.
That\'s what I meant. I responded to someone bringing up \"brown flour\" or something like that (which is something I\'ve never heard about).
I think \"to brown\" something is the same as \"to saute\", isn\'t it? And if I am not mistaken it can mean \"to carmelize\" as it is in the case of onions - the sugar in the onions is the main ingredient that undergoes carmelization ( nice golden color). I believe you can still brown up a mixture of flour and butter in the saucepan but it wouldn\'t be the sugar that makes the mixture go brown but the fat in the butter itself.
>\"the\" was indeed unnecessary and I overlooked that one.

I am glad we agree.

>\"As of now\", is \"as of the minute I\'m writing this\" or as \"of right
>now\" , \"the situation as it is now\". And that\'s exactly what the
>Polish sentence says, doesn\'t it?

Yes, a standard phrase, habitually misused and abused. You don\'t have to write it just because you hear it or even read it.
The phrase is legitimate when assigning an event to one time and reporting on the event on another.
Here this construct means little. It just gives the mouth something to do while the brains races to keep ahead.

If you like I can elaborate on the use of \"as of now\" next time if you are really interested. Just let me know.

>In January of 1967 - \"of\" is commonly used in front of the year.

The same problem here, this \"of\" is redundant.

>Got time to finish off what I have started?

Perhaps next time.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 38
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