I've - niech mi ktoś wytłumaczy

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witam Was,

Bardzo bym prosila niech mi ktos wytlumaczy dlaczego zdanie: "I've a new car" nie brzmi dobrze, bo nie moge do tego dojsc ;D w koncu I've to skrot od I have wiec gramatycznie jest poprawnie, ale stylistycznie jakos nie bardzo
Nie ma do czego dochodzić. Po prostu dla ucha nativa nie brzmi dobrze i już. I've jest krótkie :)

Powiedz "I've got a new car" i będzie dobrze brzmiało.
a jak to komus innemu wytlumaczyc?;P ze tak nie moze byc bo po prostu nie brzmi?
Tak. I zadać ktosiowi więcej ćwiczeń na zadanie aby miał prawdziwe zajęcie.
dzięki ;D;P
The auxiliary "have" only takes this abbreviation. The possession verb "have" is a full-blown verb and doesn't like being tampered with.
I've no idea what you're babbling about.
>I've no idea what you're babbling about.

That's because you are a half-wit.
Nope. That's because what you wrote is BS. There's exceptions to everything.

By the bye, you misplaced the word "only".
As much as it pains me to write this, Janski is right (although his explanation could have been clearer). :(

"Generally speaking, we don't shorten (contract) "have" when it is the main verb in a sentence. We usually write a contraction of "have" or "has" only when it is used as an auxilliary verb -- but not when it is the first word in a sentence."
I DO realize that. Thing is, every generalization is a limitation. Like I said, there's exceptions to every rule.
The above mentioned expression "I've no idea" is a mere example.
On second thought, I suppose there's a pattern to those "exceptions" (which would make them rules now), after all, namely : I've no X. Right now can't think of any more examples that would not follow this pattern.
It appears you have stumbled on a rule.
I can't think of an exception (either) that doesn't involve negation.
I've no time
I've no sense of fashion

Need to ponder this a little more.
I guess something good did come out of the encounter. :)
>By the bye, you misplaced the word "only".

thx folks ;D I didn't expect it to be so heated ;P I'm grateful ;)

I like it the way siuniab explains it:

"Generally speaking, we don't shorten (contract) "have" when it is the main verb in a sentence. We usually write a contraction of "have" or "has" only when it is used as an auxilliary verb -- but not when it is the first word in a sentence."

Well, when I read blogs of native English speakers I do sometimes come across I've (sth) form. Plus, I am totally sure that it is correct if we say "I've no doubt/a doubt" although contracting "have" meaning "possess" might not be ten a penny nowadays...
re-read defender's 4:27 post and my post around 5:30 am...
I believe we discuss negation there.
Holy crap!
I really did not notice em both.
< That's because you are a half-wit.

Hey , Drag Queen , this is what you actually see when you look at yourself in the mitrror every single day. Please rmemeber this, Flit.
>>By the bye, you misplaced the word "only".

What's the score these days? Six-zip?
You are asking this fool for support or to yap for you?
>What's the score these days? Six-zip?

I won by default, innit?
you did not turn up for the actual game.
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