Pomoc językowa

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam drogich forumowiczów, proszę was o sprawdzenie mojego speecha ;) Dziękuje za wszelką pomoc (;

People join to the charity, because they want help other people
and children, who are (miało być "którzy są") ill, poor, homeless or abandoned.
Volunteers are bringing help voluntarily.
Members of charity learn a new skills for example: grant First Aid. Volunteers
travel all over world, in the process discover a new cultures or languages.
During of charity actions (akcje charytatywne) people improve their contact other people and make a new friends.
Benefactors (chodziło mi tu o "dobroczyńców") attend in this type of actions, because they want escape from their everyday
People join to 'the' (jak piszesz 'the' to musisz podac nazwe tej chairytym, przeciez nie bede Ci praypominala zasady uzywanie 'the' i 'a'- tego sam sie powinnienes nauczyc), charity, because they want (tu cos brakuje) help other people and children, who are ill, poor, homeless or abandoned.
Volunteers 'are bringing' (zle pojecie - przynosza?) help voluntarily.
(tu cos brakuje) members of (tu cos brakuje) charity learn 'a new skills' ('a' nie dajemy przed l. mnoga - przeciez to dokladnie wiesz)- for example: 'grant' (nie rozumiem tego tutaj) First Aid.
Volunteers travel all over (tu cos brakuje) world, in the process (kto? co?-brakuje) discover 'a new cultures' (j.w) or languages.
During 'of' (calkowicie nie rozumiem uzycia 'of' tutaj-popraw) charity actions people improve their contact (tu cos brakuje) other people and make 'a new friends' (j/w - dlaczego nie rozrozniasz l. poj od l. mn?).
Benefactors attend 'in this type' (zl;e pojecie-popraw) of actions, because they want (tu cos brakuje) escape from their everyday life.