prosze o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Date: 1 November

Subject: Problems of workers

Our business consultants have recently investigated the reasons for the problems of lover-level staff and here are the main findings:

1. Health and safety regulations are not being properly observed, what cause many industrial accidents.

2. The workers’ wages are very low, because they are paid according to local rates. Often they work overtime without extra pay.

3. Offices of administrative staff are in bad condition: overcrowded and badly ventilated.

4. Many factory workers can’t understand their supervisors’ instructions, because they are often of different nationality from their staff.

Please study the problems outlined above and let me have your action plan to slove them as soon as possible.
co do daty, może lepiej - November the 1st
workers' problems
1. ...which caused / causes ; which results in many industrial accidents

2. They often work overtime with no extra payment.

4. ... instructions due to different nationality (albo tak jak napisałas ale bez tego 'from their staff, bo to oczywiste)

ostatniego zdania szczerze nie rozumiem? (od 'let me have...'???) i chyba solve , nie slove (to literówka, tak?)
a czemu causes, results (3 os) nie powinno byc l. mn w pkt 1?
według mnie powinna byc właśnie 3 os l.poj. bo odnosimy sie do całości - which causes = this sauses (a 'this' opisane jest dokładnie w pierwszym członie zdania)
Poprawna forma w pkt. 1 to: (...) , which causes...
Gdy odnosimy się do treści całego zdania głównego musimy użyć przecinka i "which".