Kiedy of, a kiedy 's?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jw nie mogę zrozumieć jak to używać? Boo chyba raczej zamiennie nie można..
nie, nie mozna
Cytat: emmumm
Jw nie mogę zrozumieć jak to używać? Boo chyba raczej zamiennie nie można..

Tak naprawdę właśnie często można, ale to jest trochę wyższa szkoła jazdy. Na początek najlepiej zapamiętać, że 's oznacza posiadanie. Emmumm's picture to picture, który należy do Ciebie. Picture of Emmum to picture, który Ciebie przedstawia.
panienka bez okienka trochę od tematu odbiega ;))
Excerpt from Cambridge dictionary:
There are some general rules about when to use '’s' and when to use 'of' but there are many cases where both are possible:
The film’s hero or The hero of the film
The car’s safety record or The safety record of the car
The report’s conclusion or The conclusion of the report

Sometimes when we first mention a noun, we use 'of', and later when we refer to it again, we use '’s':
The mountains of Pakistan are mostly in the north. At least one hundred of them are above 7,000 metres … Most of Pakistan’s mountains are in the spectacular Karakoram range.

When we don’t use '’s'
We don’t use '’s' when the noun is not a person, animal, country, organisation, etc., or when the noun phrase is very long:
The name of the ship was ‘Wonder Queen’. (preferred to The ship’s name was ‘Wonder Queen’.)
The house of the oldest woman in the village. (preferred to The oldest woman in the village’s house.)

When we don’t use 'of'
When we are talking about things that belong to us, relationships and characteristics of people, animals, countries, categories, groups or organisations made up of people, we usually use '’s':
The men’s dressing room is on the left at the end of the corridor.
Not: The dressing room of the men …
The cat’s paw was badly cut.
Not: The paw of the cat …
edytowany przez Aaric: 13 kwi 2018