Egzamin PNJA pisanie :(

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Przygotowuje się do poprawki egzaminu z PNJA, zależy od tego moje być albo nie byc na studiach ;(
Czy jakaś dobra dusza mogłaby mi pomóc z poprawianiem zdan? Bo aktualnie mam mętlik w glowie, nie wiem nic, szczegolnie o przecinkach i kropkach :)
Tutaj są zdania, które Pan doktor przygotował w 'powtórce'

1. The reason I missed class yesterday is because I was involved in a car accident.
2. A low-context culture is when its members are highly individualistic.
3. An example of excellent cooking is the chef at the local Italian cafe.
4. The GRE is where prospective graduate school students sit nervously and sweat for several
5. He not only presents the events but also his reactions to them.
6. Their religion teaches them to be kind, tolerant,love other people, nature and life.
7. The heroine become on the one hand the object of Wayne’s love and devotion, and on the other of Benjamin’s hatred.
8. Activities on Wednesday afternoons include fishing trips, dance lessons, and computers.
9. Tony found that it was faster to ride his bike than driving into the city.
10. The streets were not only too steep but also were too narrow for anything other than
pedestrian traffic.
11. More plants fail from improper watering than anyother cause.
12. The winner of the gluttony contest swallowed sixlarge pancakes, slurped down a cream pie, gobbled six waffles, and four pastries in front of the dumbfounded judges.
13. To communicate effectively, eye contact between speaker and audience is needed.
14. After sitting there awhile, it began to snow, and we went indoors.
15. Darkness having come, we stopped for the night.
16. Having taken his seat, we began to question the witness.
17. To grow tomatoes successfully, be sure to provide stakes for the vines.
18. The slaves did not yield, thinking they could free themselves.
19. Keep stirring the water into the mixture until pale green.
20. First he selected a lancet and sterilised it, and then he gave his patient a local anaesthetic and lanced the infected flesh.
21. Father Latour was at a friend’s house, and he saw two fine horses, and he induced the owner to part with them.
22. I graduated from high school, and then I workedin a bank so I earned enough to go to college.
23. There was a strong backlash that followed the Ecumenical Council.
24. About midnight Halloween evening, Lucile dropped in for a short, unexpected visit.
25. Los Angeles is very different in various ways from the city of San Francisco.
26. In this day and time, it is difficult today to find in the field of science a chemist who shows as much promise for the future as Joseph Blake shows.
27. A guy can create lots of notes.

Nawet za pomoc tylko przy kilku byłabym niezmiernie wdzieczna...
Nikt? :(
Nie widac wkladu wlasnego
Nie widać, bo wkładu własnego nie ma... Ja jestem na ten moment totalnie głupia, nie wiem nic... dlatego proszę o wskazówki
ale nie nauczysz sie wystarczajaco, jezeli teraz nic nie umiesz.
1. I missed the class yesterday because i was involved in car accident ?
ok, bez THE ;p
3. Chef at local Italian Cafe is an example off excellent cooking skills
5. He not only presents the events but also reacts on them
Cytat: ibye
3. Chef at local Italian Cafe is an example off excellent cooking skills

dlaczego nie przepisujesz dokladnie? Pominelas przedimek i zrobilas blad ortograficzny. Przez to tez odejmuja punkty.
Cytat: ibye
5. He not only presents the events but also reacts on them

nie, zly pomysl.
dodaj czasownik w drugiej cczesci oryginalnego zdania
6. Their religion teaches them to be kind, tolerant, and also to love other people, nature and life.
7. The herione became Wayne’s love and devotion, but on the other hand also his hatred.
8. Activities on Wednesday afternoons include fishing trips, dance lessons and computers classes
9. Tony found out that it was faster to get to the city on his bike than by car
10. 10. The streets were not only too steep but also too narrow for anything other than
pedestrian traffic.
7 Benjamin?
8 przydawka rzeczowna w liczbie pojedynczej! dwa mamy pluca, ale lung diseases
Cytat: mg
7 Benjamin?
8 przydawka rzeczowna w liczbie pojedynczej! dwa mamy pluca, ale lung diseases

8. hahaha ojej, ale idiotyczny błąd :D oczywiscie, ze compter lessons ;p
7. aaaaaaa bo ja jestem taka glupia, ze uznalam, ze benjamin to nazwisko wayna...The herione became Wayne’s love and devotion, but for Benjamin it is hatred?
Cytat: mg
Cytat: ibye
5. He not only presents the events but also reacts on them

nie, zly pomysl.
dodaj czasownik w drugiej cczesci oryginalnego zdania

Nie wiem co mam tam dać ;(
11. More plants fade from improper watering than from any other cause?
12. The winner of the gluttony contest swallowed six large pancakes, slurped down a cream pie, gobbled six waffles and four pastries, all in front of the dumbfounded judges
14. After sitting outside awhile, it began to snow, so we went indoors.
15. When darkness came, we stopped to wait out the nigt?
16. We began to question the witness, after he took his sit
17. To grow tomatoes successfully, you must be sure to provide stakes for the vines
19. Keep stirring the water into the mixture until it comes pale green?
Cytat: ibye
7. aaaaaaa bo ja jestem taka glupia, ze uznalam, ze benjamin to nazwisko wayna...The herione became Wayne’s love and devotion, but for Benjamin it is hatred?

nie. object mozna zostawiac, polonizmem jest wstawianie 'z jednej/drugiej strony' w srodku zdania
11 fade?
12 jakie czesci mowy laczy pierwsze and? A ostatnie?
14 idac do domu, zaczal padac deszcz
15 nie wiem, na razie oryginal jest lepszy
16 literowka, mam nadzieje, ze nie chodzi o brak h
17 nie widze problemu ze zdaniem oryginalnym, byc moze zamiast bezokolicznika po sure nalezy uzyc that-clause
19 no tak, it teoretycznie moze sie odnosic do wody, ale przynajmniej green nie odnosi sie do sluchacza :-)
The heroine become the object of Wayne’s love and devotion, but for Benjamin it is hatred, tak?
o mamuniu, juz kompletnie nic nie rozumiem ;p
chyba czas isc spać i wrócić do tego jutro, może mój mózg odpali...
ale dziękuje ogromnie za pomoc, zaczyna sie palić w moim serduszku iskierka nadziei ;)))
Cytat: ibye
zaczyna sie palić w moim serduszku iskierka nadziei ;)))

That was cute ^^
The heroine become CO TO ZAFORMA CZASOWNIKA the object of Wayne’s love and devotion Z JEDNEJ STRONY, but for Benjamin it is hatred, tak? napisz tak jak w oryginale, dodajac Z DRUGIEJ STRONY na koncu
O! Jakbym znał te materiały z handoutów, które przygotowałem na zajęcia z pisania na UWr. Mam nadzieję, że egzamin zdany ;)

a dobrze poprawilem? :-)

i skad te przyklady, z MacPhersona niektóre?
>>a dobrze poprawilem? :-)
>>i skad te przyklady, z MacPhersona niektóre?
Niektore tak

5. He presents not only ..
7. The heroine becomes the object on the on hand of ......., and on and on the other of Benjamin’s hatred.

w 2 trzeba z 'culture' stworzyc genitive noun i usunac 'is where its'
w 1 i 3 sa inne tez mzliwosci ale te przyklady na pewno nie pochodza z Macpherson'a
nie da sie edytowac , 'and on' dwa razy sie napisalo
2 a ja bym napisal 'one whose' zamiast 'when its' i tyle
..culture's members = one whose members, pewnie, czemu nie, znaczenie dzierzawcze
mysle ze sa alternatywne poprawne odpowiedzi prawie na kazde zadanie ktore nie musza byc w kluczu, egzaminator na pewno to przyjmuje do wiadomosci
w 13 i 17 np. chodzi o wprowadzenie podmiotu bezosobowego, w jednym wprowadizla ale jescze oznaby bylo 'make sure', nie wiem skad akurat te przyklady ale to nie ma znaczenia
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.