Proszę o sprawdzenie pracy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The craziest day of my life was on the 4th of April 2016. In that special day, I was at home. The day began like every other. I woke up at 12 o'clock as usually. I performed my daily actions, had breakfast and did the usual things. Nothing seemed out of ordinary. My friend called me. He invited me to a barbecue that he hosted. I suddenly agreed. I prepared, ate quick dinner and even 17 I was at his house. He invited about 16 people. After the snack we went to cycling trip. I didn’t know where I was going. It turned out that he took me to river, we stayed there. After the while we heard rustles and strange sounds. We were afraid, we caught the sticks and scared approached to the place of sound. My heart was beating faster and I couldn’t catch my breath. Suddenly, something flew out from behind the bushes. It turned out that it was only an owl. We breathed relief and returned to their homes. This is the craziest expierience I’ve never had.

Bardzo proszę o poprawienie jeśli jest coś źle, sprawdzenie i o rady dotyczące pisania takich prac :D
P.S. mam to na wtorek ale i tak proszę o jak najszybszą odpowiedz
In that special day, I was at home. The day began like every other. I woke up at 12 o'clock as usually. I performed my daily actions, had breakfast and did the usual things. Nothing seemed out of ordinary. My friend called me. He invited me to a barbecue that he hosted. I suddenly agreed. I prepared, ate quick dinner and ____ even 17 I was at his house. He invited about 16 people. After the snack we went to cycling trip. I didn’t know where I was going. It turned out that he took me to ___ river, we stayed there. After the while we heard rustles and strange sounds. We were afraid, we caught the sticks and scared approached to the place of sound. My heart was beating faster and I couldn’t catch my breath. Suddenly, something flew out from behind the bushes. It turned out that it was only an owl. We breathed NP. SIGH OF relief and returned to their homes. This is the craziest expierience I’ve never had.
edytowany przez Aaric: 11 cze 2016
I woke up at 12 o'clock as 'usually' (tu jest zle slowo). I performed my daily 'actions' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo, moze 'rituals'), had breakfast and did the usual things. He invited me to a barbecue that he 'hosted' (dla mnie tutaj jest zly czas, moze lepiej 'was hosting').
Super! Dzięki wam za pomoc i taki szybki odzew. Jeszcze raz dzięki!


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