Mieszkałem 2 lata w UK. Mówie po angielsku. Z UK wróciłem kilk lat temu i stopniowo zapominam język. Chce się doszkolić ,nauczyć pisać bo słabo mi to idzie. Wiadomo że będe uczył się w domu z p…
I write to let you know i have decided to terminate my contract with the Club.My last day of work will be 12th November 2019.I have decided to come back to Poland and find a job that complies with my …
I write to let you know that i have decided to terminate my employment with the Marot hotel on 16th december 2019. However ,my last day of work will be 22nd of november 2019 and the remaining days …
mozecie zerknac czy nie ma bledow?
I do not have the possibility of promotion and development at the Ibis Hotel. I decided to come back to Poland and find a job that complies with my education and sk…