Pilnie potrzebuje pomocy na już !

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Pilnie potrzebuje kogoś z dobrym sercem kto zaoferuje mi napisanie streszczenia na max 200 słów na jak najszybciej. Niestety mam dziś zmianę nocną w pracy i nie mam jak tego zrobić a muszę wysłać te streszczenie aby zaliczyć przedmiot..

Tekst bardzo prosty :
Convincing reasons to start running.
At first, running is easy and cheap. You do not have to buy expensive equipment, you can do it anywhere. You need a pair of running shoes, a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. If you are a woman, you need additionally a supportive sports bra. You can save some money so that you can train on a treadmill. Training outside provides adventures and gives you an opportunity to explore, which is far more fascinating than e.g. watching tv during a workout in a gym. In fact, you do not have to learn how to run - you just do it. Sometimes you have to adjust your posture. You can jog, steady run or sprint, stay on your trim and goals.
Running is an intense and fat burning exercise; a powerful ally against weight loss. Working out blasts calories and tones muscles. As a result you can get rid of it. But no worries, you will not become a bodybuilder, it's not that easy.
You can make new friends. You can be surprised to see how many people run in your neighborhood. Once you become a regular runner, you start to see other runners too.
Another reason - physically active people can eat more carbs, it is a real hard workout. As you run systematically, your carb intake increases and you need more energy. When you are preparing for a race, you have to eat more and balance your diet to improve your performance.
There's a proverb "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". In fact, being active promotes health and reduces the risk of many cancers. Regular running lowers, blood pressure, raises good cholesterol and boosts your immunity. Hence, you can combine both and live longer. Obviously, you can not eat just apples, do not you even dare to do that to your body.
Such a workout makes you feel better, not just physically but mentally as well. It encourages you better, sleep, all night long. Running reduces stress levels and helps in anxiety. If you feel the need to clear your head - you know what to do!
Running is up to you, you can change each variable, keep it interesting and motivating. You choose paths, a distance, and pace, goals and time of day. Working out in the dark with the lights on. If you're brave enough, and crave for adventures, you can go for it. Running in the rain does not have to be scary, it can be such a delightful experience! So can it be the middle of the storm, indeed. A workout can be changed into intervals, such as blasting and boosting metabolism up to 24 hours.
Running makes my day. I run to feel alive. What about you?
jestes w zlym miejscu
jestem tutaj pierwszy raz, założyłam konto bo potrzebuje szybkiej pomocy a nie wiem do kogo mam sie zwrocic
jak strescisz sama, ktos moze to sprawdzic.
tak, tylko napisałam ze jestem w ciezkiej sytuacji, poniewaz prowadzaca mi napisala wiadomosc ze mam to wyslac dzisiaj a niestety mam nocke w pracy i nie jestem w stanie tego ogarnac.. :(
twoj post ma juz 40 minut, wiec dawno juz to moglas napisac. Dalej zwlekaj i szukaj wymówek...
myśle ze twoje komentarze sa zbedne. napisalam jasno i wyraznie ze jestem w pracy i nie moge siedziec dluzej na tel niz 2 min. mam te streszczenie napisac na niewidzialnym laptopie? skoro nie mozesz mi pomoc to radze sie juz nie udzielac
ja ci wlasnie pomagam, informujac cie, ze nikt ci tu tego nie zrobi, bo takie tu sa zasady. Powinnas mi podziekowac, bo dzieki mnie znasz lepiej swoja sytuacje.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie