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Fantasy literature - why is it popular with readers of all ages?
Fantasy literature is a kind of literature which can consists of far-fetched characters, situations, a plot and a place. It is most often created to arouse interest and stimulate reader’s imagination. Nowadays reading fantasy literature has become very popular not only with young readers but also among adults. What are the reasons of this phenomenon? First of all, fantasy literature is not connected only to one topic in comparison to others for instance history literature. According to survey people of all age seem to choose fantasy literature because of its great variety. Furthermore, thanks to such kind of literature reader has a chance to forget for a moment about reality and fully relax while reading. Fantasy literature sometimes includes deep hidden meaning and reader’s task is to evade obstacles and get the right way of thinking. This challenge may be a reason why there are more and more funs of fantasy literature within all group of age. Last but not least, authors of such books not accidentally decided to show a world of magic, witches and wizards who possess supernatural powers. It was made accurately to broad readers’ horizons and to prove that imagination play a significant role during a mind process called reading. These are only few hypothetic reasons why fantasy literature can be so famous in XXI century. Although it is good to remember that each of the reader is different and his or her requirements can differ from the others. That is why the literature was divided into so many branches. The fact is that every bookworm is looking for something individual, something which can easily fulfill reading needs.
What are the reasons 'of' FOR ( you have a reason for something not 'of' something) this phenomenon? 'First of all, fantasy literature is not connected only to one topic in comparison to others for instance history literature' (pomysl jeszcze raz o tym zdaniu, dla mnie nie jest ono jasne).
According to (a gdzie przedimek?)survey people of all ageS seem to choose fantasy literature because of its great variety. Furthermore, 'thanks' (uzyj slowo 'due') to such kind of literature (a przedimek to gdzie?) reader has a chance to forget for a moment about reality and fully relax while reading. Fantasy literature sometimes includes deep hidden meaning and (brak przedimka) reader's task is to evade obstacles and 'get the right way of thinking' (cos tutaj nie tak). This challenge may be a reason why there are more and more 'funs' (zle slowo - popraw) of fantasy literature within all 'group of
age' (nie, nie tak, ma byc 'age groups'). Last but not least, authors of such books 'not accidentally decided' (zrob to inaczej 'did not accidentally decide) to show (ale komu? napisz) a world of magic, witches and wizards who possess
supernatural powers. 'It' (do czego to 'it' sie odnosi, tutaj lepiej daj THIS was made 'accurately' (daj inne slowo) to 'broad' (zla czesc mowy - tu ma byc 'broaden) (brak przedimka) readers' horizons and to prove that imagination playS (imagination-it-3os.l.poj) a significant role during a mind process called reading. These are only (przedimek) few hypothetic reasons why
fantasy literature can be so 'famous' (zle slowo, lepiej 'popular') in (brak przedimka) XXI century. Although it is good to remember that 'each of the' EVERY reader is different and his or her requirements can differ from the others.
The fact is that every bookworm is looking for something individual, something which can easily fulfill (tu cos brak) reading needs.
What are the reasons 'of' FOR ( you have a reason for something not 'of' something) this phenomenon? 'First of all, fantasy literature is not connected only to one topic in comparison to others for instance history literature' (pomysl jeszcze raz o tym zdaniu, dla mnie nie jest ono jasne).
According to (a gdzie przedimek?)survey people of all ageS seem to choose fantasy literature because of its great variety. Furthermore, 'thanks' (uzyj slowo 'due') to such kind of literature (a przedimek to gdzie?) reader has a chance to forget for a moment about reality and fully relax while reading. Fantasy literature sometimes includes deep hidden meaning and (brak przedimka) reader's task is to evade obstacles and 'get the right way of thinking' (cos tutaj nie tak). This challenge may be a reason why there are more and more 'funs' (zle slowo - popraw) of fantasy literature within all 'group of
age' (nie, nie tak, ma byc 'age groups'). Last but not least, authors of such books 'not accidentally decided' (zrob to inaczej 'did not accidentally decide) to show (ale komu? napisz) a world of magic, witches and wizards who possess
supernatural powers. 'It' (do czego to 'it' sie odnosi, tutaj lepiej daj THIS was made 'accurately' (daj inne slowo) to 'broad' (zla czesc mowy - tu ma byc 'broaden) (brak przedimka) readers' horizons and to prove that imagination playS (imagination-it-3os.l.poj) a significant role during a mind process called reading. These are only (przedimek) few hypothetic reasons why
fantasy literature can be so 'famous' (zle slowo, lepiej 'popular') in (brak przedimka) XXI century. Although it is good to remember that 'each of the' EVERY reader is different and his or her requirements can differ from the others.
The fact is that every bookworm is looking for something individual, something which can easily fulfill (tu cos brak) reading needs.


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