Sprawdzenie rozprawki

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić rozprawkę? Niestety mimo że w mojej grupie połowa osób zdaje rozszerzenie to nauczyciel nie kwapi się żeby nawet wytłumaczyć jak to napisać...

Coraz więcej dużych miast tworzy sieć ścieżek rowerowych redukując tym samym szerokość jezdni. Napisz rozprawkę dotyczącą tego zjawiska w której uwzględnisz punkt widzenia rowerzysty oraz kierowcy samochodu.
Można zdobyć 13pkt.

Nowadays, people want be to in good shape and eat healthy. Lots of youngster and elderly pick up some sports. For example cycling. This activity recquire special paths. Unfortunatly, building these lines take space on the roads. Is it good for everyone?
For first, safety. It is the main matter in this case, especially for bikers. People, who riding on two wheels are in bigger danger than people who travelling by car. Bikes are not equipped with belts, and all these safty system like ABS. Disconnect two types of transport seems to be great solution for them.
But on the other hand, we have cars. What about traffic jams? In big cities people waste uncounted hours waiting for green light. Building even little paths make asphalt roads much more smaller. It is harder to cummute to work when you can use only two lines on your side instead of three.
Summing up all pros and cons. I strongly believe that local government should build new paths like in Western Europe. There cyclist ride in the middle of the whole road. It dont take a lof of space and car drivers are more carefully. It is great idea to improve our safty in very simple way.
Nowadays, people want be to in good shape and eat 'healthy' (healthily). Lots of 'youngster' (tutaj l. mnoga) and elderly 'pick up' (nie, poszukaj inne slowa) some sports. 'For example cycling' (czy te 3 slowa to jest poprawne zdanie?). This activity 'recquire' (ortog i pamietaj activity-3os.l.poj) special paths. 'Unfortunatly' (ortog), building these 'lines' (tutaj trzeba jasno wyjasnic ze chodzi o specjalne bike paths) 'take' (it-3os.l.poj) space on the roads.
'For first, safety' (nie, to nie jest poprawne zdanie. Lepiej, Firstly, safety needs to be considered, albo Firstly, we need to consider safety.) It is the 'main' (poszukaj lepsze slowo) matter in this case, especially for 'bikers' (nie, chyba masz na mysli 'cyclists'). People, who 'riding' (nie, tutaj 'cycle') on two wheels are in (przedimek) bigger danger than people who ARE travelling by car. Bikes are not equipped with belts, and all these 'safty' (ortog) 'system' (tutaj l. mnoga, bo masz slowo 'all' a to znaczy wiecej jak jeden) like ABS. 'Disconnect' (nie rozumiem tego slowa tutaj) two types of transport seems to be (przedimek) great solution for them.
In big cities people waste 'uncounted' (poszukaj inne slowo) hours waiting for (przedimek) green light. Building even little paths 'make' (tutaj 3os.l.poj) asphalt roads much 'more' (niepotr) smaller. It is harder to 'cummute' (ortog) to work when you can use only two lines on your side instead of three.
Summing up all pros and cons. I strongly believe that local government should build new paths like in Western Europe. There 'cyclist' (daj l. mnoga) ride in the middle of the whole road. It 'dont' (does not) take a 'lof' (ortog) of space and car drivers are more 'carefully' (zla czesc mowy, tutaj 'careful'). It is (przedimek) great idea to improve our 'safty' (nie rozumiem dlaczego raz piszesz to slowo poprawnie a innym razem z bledem) in (przedimek) very simple way.
Dziękuje bardzo za wytłumaczenie co i jak, kilka błędów ortograficznych wzięło się po prostu z nieuważnego przepisania tekstu z kartki. Ile dostałbym za to punktów na maturze?
these lines they call'em 'cycle lanes' or (in London) 'cycle superhighways'
u mnie to mowia 'cycle paths'