future perfect and future continuous- proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Well, they say we'll be having much higher temperatures here in London. And remember, we will not be laying on the beach, we will be working in 30 deegres, which is quite different. And islands like the Maldives will have dissapeared by 2150 because of the rise in the sea level. They say the number of storms and tsunamis will have doubled by the middle of the century too, so even more people will be moving to the cities looking for work. Big cities will have grown ever bigger by then(...)
Proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności użycia czasów. Z góry dziękuję;)
czasy ok
lying on the beach
A czy mogłabyś na to zerknąć:

Petrol will have run out by then anyway, so nobody will have a car.Someone wil have invented a new method of transport, so we will be driving around in solar powered cars or something
literowka w jednym will