Uprzejmie proszę o sprawdzenie króciutkiej rozpraweczki.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Are the best things in life are free? I agree with the statement but not wholly. What does this phrase actually mean? I think it is comparative notion. Every human is different, have various interests, tastes thereby all over the world there is a lot of miscellaneous "best things". As a result this is no an easy adage to confirm.
Firstly, it is important to state that things like friendship, love, kisses, smiles, hugs and laughs are certainly free. People can't buy other people, their feelings, heart- it are not for sale. Mostly presence other human can be for us that "the best thing". In real friendship there is no sadness, worries, afflictions and lies. (teraz nie wiem jak sformułować: "jak to powiedział platon: cenniejszy niż wszystkie dobra jest niezawodny cnotliwy przyjaciel).
On the other hand things like science, sport, culture, are not free. If we want study, practise a sport, going to the theatre, opera, cinema we need a lot of money. If we want do this all things we require to be financially comfortable then we would have to have succeeded at something. Now and days, we need higher educational to be comfortable in our life set. But, once again that education to be successful is going to cost us not only money, but time and endurance.
To sum up, the opinion that the best things in life are free can arouse different feelings so I agree and I disagree with the statement. It just depend on what kind of human we are, "jakimi kierujemy się wartościami: and what is the most important for us. For a lot of people material things are exactly "best things" which make them happier. But in my book, the most important things are love, friendship and knowledge and these things will stay free forever.

Jeśli się uda to proszę jeszcze o przetłumaczenie zdań w cudzysłowach. Dziękuję :)
wklejasz tekst w innym watku i nie poprawiasz wszystkich bledow. Czemu robisz balagan?
Sory, wiem że może nie jest to najlepsze wytłumaczenie ale net mi dziś chodzi strasznie wolno (stąd ten jeden niepotrzebny post), próbowałem znaleźć opcję skasowania postu ale nie udało mi się.
popraw jeszcze raz i wklej pod tekstem w tamtym wątku
w pierwszym zdaniu nadal jest 2 x are
Czy to jest dobrze?
I agree with the statement but ...
It is a question.
stwierdzenie jest w tytule, poza tym to naprawde drobiazg, nie mozna sie zgodzic z pytaniem
yeah I guess it's a BrE phenomenon :)
Fussiness is universal :-)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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