E-mail do kolegi z anglii.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Kolega z Anglii, którego poznałeś na wakacjach, poprosił cię, abyś opowiedział mu o swojej rodzinie. Napisz e-mail, w którym:
- przedstawisz swoją najbliższą rodzinę
- opiszesz krótko ich charaktery
- opowiesz o tym, jak wspólnie spędzacie czas

Hi John
I am Krzysiek. I met you two months ago in England. Do you remember me? I'm at home now so I want to describe my family as you asked me for. My mother name is Basia. She is fourty-six years old. She is wise, sensible and hard-working person because she always takes appriapriate decisions and she works lot. I like cooking with my mother. Next, my father name is Zbigniew. He is fourty-eight years old. He is funny and helpful because he helps me in doing my homework and he tells me funny stories. I like playing table tennis with my dad. I've got a brothet. He name is Jacek. He is twenty years old. He is lazy because when I ask him for a help he always tells me he is tired. He like playing football with me. When all members of my family have a time, then we go for a walk. I love my family. What do you think about my family? Could you write me somethink about your siblings? I will be really happy.


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