Opis osoby - sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, to jeden z pierwszych opisów, prosiłbym o sprawdzenie gramatyki.
Tema: opisz osobę o której można powiedzieć: świat byłby lepszy gdyby było na nim więcej osób podobnych do niej/niego.

I know her since my birth. We were lying in the same room in a hospital. Smith's family always lived with next door. Marge is my best friend.
She certainly didn't like me at first as I didn't like her. She looked like a boy. Tall, sharp eyes, with fizzy hair, wearing some sort of sports outfit and trainers. I thought that she is ugly and naughty boy. I realized she was a girl when our moms came for us.
I can't believe how much I was wrong then. After one of many fights we became friends and I started to acknowledge her. With long blonde straight hair, deep blue eyes, she is like angel among humans. The best thing about her is her kindness. Marge has heart of gold. She has 2 dogs, 1 cat and 2 pigeons. She saved all those animals from suffering on the street.
Despite spending so much time with her pets, she always finds time for her friends. If anyone of them needs help, they can rely on her.
What everyone particularly likes about Marge is the way she treats other people. She is liked by most of them, because they cannot feel bored with her. She is the life and soul of a party.
In my opinion this girl is a very interesting person. She has so many good points, which everyone should have. If all my friends would be so nice and helpful, life would be more easier. I am glad I have such a wonderful friend.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie