Sprawozdanie [przetłumaczenie do sprawdzenia]

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam do przetłumaczenia taki tekst, a mianowicie takie sprawozdanie.. z włoskiego na angielski :D

no i oto co mi wyszło

1- /In the classroom/
Hi! My name is ……….. and now I and my classmates are going to show you some experiments with pulleys. (Show the pulley)
This is a tool used to lift items with less effort.
We talked how to use them at best and we decided to use more than one pulley.
Now we go down into the garden and do the first experiment.
2- /in the garden/

coś tam coś tam...

Let`s go to the lab and see than.
3- Here we are in the lab! Let’s go with the first experiment! We begin with a single pulley.
Wanting to balance a wait, for example that (Show the item, put on the balance and weight it) with a weight of … kg, using a single pulley you need to use a weight equal of it (show), than if you want to lift the item, you need to use a bigger force. Now Let’s try to use two pulleys! (Show the mount of two pulleys, one fixed and one movable)

Możecie mi to sprawdzić? Nie chodzi mi tylko o błędy lecz też o styl, aby dobrze to wyglądało. Nie musi być to na poziomie szkolnym :D
Dziękuję wszystkim z góry.