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Dear Lucy,
How are you ? I hope you’re fine. I have so much to tell you, I’ve just back from holiday, it was a tour around the South Africa. I’ve had a great time there so I want to describe you everything so I don’t know how to begin.

The hotel where I spend my holiday was awful, there was a lots of rats and they had yucky cusine. There was even no air-conditioning. If you want to go to the same place you should choose another hotel, nevertheless I had a great time. Mostly I spent my free time sunbathing , swimming in the pool and getting culture. The weather was divine so I spent a lot of time on open air.
Suddenly the last day was the best for me, that day I’ve bought ticket for SOAD’s concert. It was amazing experience for me because I’ve never heard them live.
I'm waiting for your quick answer.

/// Jeden z pierwszych listów wiec prosze o wyrozumialosc :)
prosze o poprawienie błedów i w miare mozliwosci wytlumaczenia na czym polega :)
I’ve just (tutaj brakuje slowa) back from holiday, it was a tour around 'the' (niepotr) South Africa. I’ve had a great time there so I want to describe (cos tu brak) you everything 'so' (zle slowo) I don’t know how to begin.

The hotel where I 'spend' (zle slowo) my holiday was awful, there was 'a' (niepotr) lots of rats and 'they' (tzn - te rats? no to fajnie, hotel im fundowal jedzenie) had yucky cusine.
There was 'even' (niepotr) no air-conditioning.
Mostly I spent my free time sunbathing , swimming in the pool and getting (tu brakuje pare slow) culture. The weather was divine so I spent a lot of time 'on' (zle slowo) (brak przedimka) open air.
'Suddenly' (zle slowo) the last day was the best for me, that day 'I’ve' (nie trzeba I have, wystarczy 'I') bought (przedimek) ticket for SOAD’s concert. It was (przedimek) amazing experience for me because I’ve never heard them live.

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