George IV- proszę o sprawdzenie ;)

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British prince George, the eldest son of king George III (1738-1820), got a lot of money from parliament and his father. Unfortunately he spent all the money really quickly, because of his extravagant life in Carlton House. Then he went into debt. Parliament helped him, but there was one condition- he had to get married. In 1795 British envoy James Harris(1746-1820), earl of Malmesbury, went to Saxony, where George’s bride-to-be lived. Meeting with Caroline of Brunswick was an unpleasant surprise. She didn’t care about her appearance. In addition, she was proud of the fact how fast she could dress up. She put on some random pieces of clothing- dirty and crumpled.

-Her stockings are never washed and she doesn’t change them frequently enough- noticed earl of Malmesbury. He explained the princess how to use a soap. Therefore he couldn’t imagine her meeting with prince George, whose everyday-bath lasted few hours…

They met on 3rd April in St. James’s Palace. George couldn’t believe his eyes, when he saw her. –I feel sick. I have to drink something.-he said and then he left. Narrow-minded princess commented this situation: -Does the prince always behave like that? He is quite fat and he doesn’t look as beautiful as on the portrait.- Well, Caroline was used to saying what she was thinking.

Before the wedding night George got drunk, because he was able to consummate marriage only with alcohol in blood. According to british historian Steven Parissen- after the incident George told his friend: - I saw so much filth, that I was about to vomit. I swear that I will never touch her again!-
Whereas Caroline told her confidante that at the wedding night her drunk husband had come to her, fallen off the bed and slept on the floor.
Fortunately the young princess got pregnant.

British Prince George (tutaj dajemy ktory), the eldest son of King George III (1738-1820-tutaj nie wiadomo czy podajesz daty George, czy George III)), 'got a lot' (to calkowicie nie pasuje do takiego formalnego tekstu) of money from Parliament and his father. Unfortunately, (przecinek) he spent all the money really quickly, because of his extravagant life 'in' AT Carlton House.
In 1795 British envoy James Harris(1746-1820), Earl (duza litera)of Malmesbury, went to Saxony, where George’s bride-to-be lived.
In addition, she was proud of the fact how fast she could dress. (dress-ubrac sie) 'up' (niepotr).

-Her stockings are never washed and she doesn’t change them frequently enough- noticed THE Earl of Malmesbury. He explained (tu cos brak) the princess how to use 'a' (niepotr) soap. 'Therefore' (to slowo tutaj nie pasuje) he couldn’t imagine her meeting with Prince George, whose everyday-bath lasted few hours…

They met on 3rd April 'in' (ja wole AT) St. James’s Palace.
THE narrow-minded princess commented (tu cos brak) this situation: -Does the Prince always behave like that?

Before the wedding night George got drunk, because he was able to consummate (cos brak) marriage only with alcohol in (cos brak) blood. According to British historian Steven Parissen- after the 'incident' (nie trafne slowo, - nie mozna nazwac 'consumation' an incident) George told his friend: - I saw so much filth, that I was about to vomit.
Whereas Caroline told her confidante that 'at' ON the wedding night her drunk husband had come to her, fallen off the bed and slept on the floor.