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Tekst polski :
Proszę o ponowne sprawdzenie zwrotu podatky, gdyż moja żona w xxxx nie pracowała. Kwota na zaświadczeniu wynika z pobierania bezrobocia.

Tekst angielski:
I'm writing in connection with my wife's taxes. Please check them one more time, because my wife in xxxx, was not working. The amount on the certificate results from retrieving the unemployment

Jeżeli są jakieś błędy proszę o poprawę.
I'm writing in connection with my wife's 'taxes' Personal Income Tax for the year ended (daj tutaj rok) . Would you please 'check them' review your calculations one more time, because my wife 'in xxxx'during the period (i tutaj daj dokladne daty) was not working.
The amount on the certificate results from 'retrieving' receiving 'the' (niepotr) unemployment benefit.Jeżeli są jakieś błędy proszę o poprawę.[/quote]
I'm writing in connection with my wife's 'taxes' Personal Income Tax for the year ended (daj tutaj rok) .
Cytat: fui_eu
I'm writing in connection with my wife's 'taxes' Personal Income Tax for the year ended (daj tutaj rok) .

wg mnie 'ended' bo juz sie skonczyl dawno, ale 'ending' ok.