Opis wakacji

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Proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności nappisanego niżej tekstu o wakacjach. Powinien być napisany w czasie przeszłym oczywiście.

I spent my holiday with my boyfriend.
We arrived at the midday in Franciska Willa on a lake.
We apologized for being late, even then the owner of the Willa was polite.
When I saw room, I couldn't believe that for us, because on the photos didn't look so well.
The next da?y we asked for the way to nearby bar.
We went t,o the Bahama Bar, where the order was canceled by accident.
So we went to the next bar, where different from previous bar staff remained of our order.
After dinner we went to the shopping and then we come back to the Willa.
Next day we went canoeing and then we paid for it.
We where pleased with to stay in Franciska Willa.
edytowany przez Anna715: 18 wrz 2013
We arrived at 'the' (po co to?) midday in Franciska Willa on a lake.
We apologized for being late, (ja dodalabym 'and') even then the owner of the Willa was polite.
When I saw (cos brak) room, I couldn't believe 'that for us' (cos to za polsko wyglada dla mnie) , because on the photos (kto? co?) didn't look so well.
The next day we asked for the way to (cos brak) nearby bar.
We went to the Bahama Bar, where the 'order' (jaka order?) was 'canceled' (ortog) by accident.
So we went to the next bar, where different from previous bar staff 'remained of our order' (tego to calkowicie nie rozumiem).
After dinner we went 'to the' (po co to?) shopping and then we 'come' (came) back to the Willa.
Next day we went canoeing and then 'we paid for it' (znaczy za canoeing czy zdrowiem?).
We 'where' (to znaczy 'gdzie'?) pleased 'with' (po co to?) to stay in Franciska Willa.
When I saw (cos brak) room, I couldn't believe 'that for us' (cos to za polsko wyglada dla mnie) , because on the photos (kto? co?) didn't look so well.

powinno być "in the photos"


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