strona bierna

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
potrzebuje sprawdzenia mi tych nastepujących zdań:
1.Gucci designed this wonderful suit.
This wonderful suit was designed by Gucci.
2. People eat rice all over the world.
Rice is eaten by people all over the world.
3. They are cooking dinner now.
Dinner is being cooked by they now
4. They often sent us new catalogues.
We are often sent new catalogues.
New catalogues are often sent to us.
5. someone has opened the safe.
The safe has been opened.
6. They were baking a cheesecake when someone knocked at the door.
A cheesecake was being baked when someone knocked at the door.
7. You can do it tomorrow
This can be done by you tomorrow.
8. I will visit you next week.
You will be visited by me next week. (?)
9. We ask all the students come to the party.
All the studentsis asked to come to the party.
10. When will you finish youe essay?
When your essay will be finished?
11. Staty bought this computer last year.
This computer was bought by Stety last year.
12. Where has she sent all those letters?
Where all those letters has been she sent?

bardzo prosze o szybką odpowiedz, bo nie jestem pewna czy dobrze to zrobiłam. z góry wielkie dzięki :)
2 people niepotrzebne
3 by them
9 we ask all the students to come to the party
all the students are asked to come to the party
10 when will your essay be finished?
12 popraw, bo jest źle
4 nie ten czas
wielkie dzięki za wszystkie uwagi :D


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