Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie 5 zdań :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam serdecznie,

jak w tytule proszę sprawdzić, zależało mi aby to było napisane lekko, na luzie, ale poprawnie i bogato. Szukam zastępczego slowa dla like - ale nic poza adore i love nie przychodzi mi do głowy.. Czy active life person - można zastąpić czymś co lepiej brzmi?

Proszę o pomoc :)

Hi! My name is XXX. I am still in my late 20's ;) After wonderful four years studying I am going to get internship in XXX Company, and I am very excited because of this. I like new chaleges, research anything and everything, learn new things. I love travelling, metting new people, sighseening new places and have a lot of fun. I am active life person, but sometimes also like to lie on the sofa ( a może lepiej couch) and make nothing.
after wonderful four years (brakuje przyimka) studying
going to get (przedimek) internship
I like researching and learn__ (dokoncz)
sightseeing, bez new places
active life person nie brzmi dobrze, może 'I live an active life'
and do nothing
takie najbardzieh popularne synonimy slowa 'to like' to:
to be fond of something
to fancy doing something
bardzo dziękuję :)

dla jasności:

Hi! My name is XXX. I am still in my late 20's ;) After wonderful four years a studying I am going to get an internship in XXX Company, and I am very excited because of this. I like new challenges, researching anything and everything, learning new things. I love travelling, metting new people, sighseening and have a lot of fun. I am an active and positive person, but sometimes also fancy lying on the sofa and do nothing.
tfu, of studing , a nie a studing :P
having a lot of fun ...
but sometimes I also fancy ... doing nothing