Błagam o pilne sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Błagam o pilne sprawdzenie poniższego tekstu

Nowadays shopping online has become more and more popular. There are many reasons why people are increasingly do shopping at home when they are sitting in front of their own computer and drinking coffee. First of all, shopping save our time. We don’t have to spend all day in shop with screaming babies, annoying people, bad-smells people and cope with the lack of parking place and too long shop queue. The second reason as to why online shopping is popular is that a number of online shops offer more special offers when you buy online. So we can save not only our time but also our money. The last reason is simple, when we do shopping online we can run a search on website and easily find what we need. In the ordinary shop we can’t do this so we have to walk around shelves and get angry.
Zdanie 1 ja bym dal inny czas. 2 nie bedzie ....ARE....DO shopping. 3 ....eShopping saveS US time. 4 nie wiem co to znaczy bad-smells people i zastapil bym innym okresleniem, i inne slowo za cope with, np worry about. + inne bledy;)
edytowany przez fui_eu: 03 lis 2013
Zastanawiam się nad tym "błaganiem". Kiedyś można było błagać o ocalenie życia, swojego albo czyjegoś. Dzisiaj się błaga o rzucenie okiem na parę zdań albo o papierosa.
5 nie pisz offer more ... offers, ujmij w szyku ze duzo sklepow ma specjalne oferty/sug/
W ostatnim, ...and get frustrated. /np/


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