proszę o sprawdzenie PC PS - exercise

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
użyj: do get live sell think work

1) normally, I am in the office in the afternoon, but this month I am getting a course.
2) In the winter, the reps sell more than in the summer
3) Our most important market is the Far East. We do business with several companies there.
4) Our boss works very long hours.
5) He is thinking of changing his job because he's not very happy.
6) "what's your address?" "I am living in a hotel until we find a nice flat."
7) In June, the weather gets, hot there, so take some cool clothes.
8) He thinks his job is really interesting
9) It is getting hotter. We need to get some air conditioning for this office.
10) At present, we are working on new products and services for the future.
11) During the week, he lives in his city flat and at the weekend he goes to the country
12) Our new product line sells very well this year.
1 zle slowo
12 zly czas
no to 12 bedzie "is selling" a jak będzie z tym course ?? bo z reguły mówi się go on a course a ja nie mam w tym ćwiczeniu podanego czasownika "go"
take a course
take nie ma na liscie
do a course
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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