@mg Only
>...to zdania podrzedne w I don't know who he met / when he met her itp.
rowniez musisz uznac za relative clauses'
Mg zobacz za moim tokiem rozumowania i powiec prosze co myslisz. Jakby ja mialbym ten test, tak sobie mysle ze zalozmy nadal to zdanie askera jako podmiot zaklasyfikowalbym jako 'nominal relative clause'. Dlaczego?
Na koniec tego paragrafu 15.8. w Note(a) Quirk pisze "Nominal relative clauses
have also been called 'independent'or 'free' relative clauses.
Renaat Declerck w swojej "When-clauses and Typology Structure" w WHEN-CLAUSES AS FREE RELATIVE NOUN CLAUSES pisze:
"I will begin by briefly setting off free relatives from indirect questions, because
it is important to distinguish carefully between these homophonous structures.
A useful test to distinguish between a question word and a homophonous free relative is that the former allows clefting of the clause it introduces, whereas the latter does not (
unless it is a free relative in -ever or receives the same interpretation, i.e. the interpretation which Donnellan (1966) calls ‘attributive’):
(a) I asked what (it was that) he had said to her.
(b) I threw away what (*it was that) he had given me, viz. a book.
This test is also applicable to when:
(a) I asked when it was that he had left.
(b) These memories of when (*it was that) I was in India are gradually fading.
The test makes clear that when is a question word in (27 a), but a free relative in
(27 b).
WCs in which when is a free relative can be used in various nominal
so far so good, tak , teraz w tych dopelnienia sa niewatpliwe pytania
I don't know when ( it was that) he met her
I don't know who ( it was that) he met
I don't know who (it was that) destroyed the fence.
Ale z tym trzecim wlasnie wchodzi tu ten wyjatek ktory zacytowala Renaat Declerck '
unless it is a free relative in -ever or receives the same interpretation, i.e. the interpretation which Donnellan (1966) calls ‘attributive’)'
idac tym krokiem znajdujemy iterpretacje Donnellan:
Attributive/Referential Interpretations
"Definite desriptions appearing in transparent context have been explained as having two
different uses by Donnellan, viz, the attributive and the referential use.
These can be combined with the de re and de dicto interpretations in interesting ways.
The attributive use states something about whoever is the so-and-so:
Smith's murderer [whoever it is] is insane.
whereas the referential use picks out a certain referent:
Smith's murderer[viz. Mr.Jones] is insane.
The important characteristics of the referential use is that it picks out an idividual
the attributive use gives a description,
which some individual might satisfy"
Teraz w zdaniu
Who destroyed the fence ..., 'who' jest niewaptliwe attributive
a z kolei to by oznaczalo ze to free relative, czyli nominal relative clause a nie po prostu wh-interrogative.
Jakbys byl w panelu egzaminacyjnym, musialbys mi to dac A:)
Albo nawet A+, i to nawet jakbym nie mial dla ciebie zadnego 24-letniego malt'a:)
Nie mialbys wyjscia.:)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 22 lut 2015