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The famous "Selfie" from this year's Oscar award ceremony was rather not a coincidence, but previously planned a marketing strategy.
The company Samsung Electronics has spent about $20 million on advertising time and received the product placement for a smartphone Galaxy. Ellen DeGeneres, leading the gala at some point gave the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 actor to Bradley Cooper, who took a picture of himself and the entire group of stars. Using a smartphone looked like spontaneous action, but it was not completely unplanned. The newspaper informs that Ellen DeGeneres in the days running up to the gala stated that she wants to during the ceremony do „selfie”-it means a photograph that she took of herself with a camera placed in a mobile phone. Then transmitting the gala ABC television suggested taking a picture using Samsung gadget, the gala broadcast sponsor.
to jest tlumaczone slowo w slowo z polskiego, co skutkuje niegramatycznymi zdaniami, np. transmitting the gala television jest niegramatyczne po angielsku, moze znaczyc co najwyzej : transmitowanie galowej telewizji
The famous "Selfie" from this year's Oscar award ceremony was rather not a coincidence, but previously planned 'a' (niepotr) marketing strategy.
The company Samsung Electronics has spent about $20 million on advertising time and received the product placement for 'a' (zly przedimek) smartphone Galaxy. Ellen DeGeneres, leading the gala at some point gave the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 'actor' (cos tu nie tak) to Bradley Cooper, who took a picture of himself and the entire group of stars.
The newspaper informs that Ellen DeGeneres in the days running up to the gala stated that she wants 'to' (niepotr) during the ceremony (brak slowa) do „selfie”-it means a photograph that she 'took' (zle slowo) of herself with a camera placed in a mobile phone. Then transmitting the gala ABC television suggested taking a picture using Samsung gadget, 'the gala broadcast sponsor' (w zlym miejscu).

za bardzo po polsku
Dzięki za pomoc, tak to jest tłumaczenie polskiego artykułu. Poniżej poprawka, jeszcze coś do zmienienia?

The famous "Selfie" from this year's Oscar award ceremony was rather not a coincidence, but previously planned marketing strategy.

The company Samsung Electronics has spent about $20 million on advertising time and received the product placement for the smartphone Galaxy. Ellen DeGeneres, leading the gala at some point gave the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 to actor Bradley Cooper, who took a picture of himself and the entire group of stars. Using a smartphone looked like spontaneous action, but it was not completely unplanned. The newspaper informs that Ellen DeGeneres in the days running up to the gala stated that she wants during The Academy Awards do „selfie”-it means a photograph that she taken of herself with a camera placed in a mobile phone. Then The ABC station suggested taking a picture using Samsung (the gala broadcast sponsor) gadget.


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