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Mam ogromną prośbę o sprawdzenie streszczenia do pracy licencjackiej. Starałam się sama to opracować i nie jestem do końca pewna co do poprawności, dlatego bardzo proszę.
Temat: Local self-government as a form of decentralization of public administration
Present thesis concerns local self-government and its participation in exercise of public authority. Aim of the thesis is to prove that local self-government is a form of decentralization of public administration. On the basis of legal acts and the scientific literature the concept of decentralization was discussed and issues, characteristics associated with local self-government was analysed.
The public authority in Poland is exercised both by government administration authorities and bodies of the local self-government. The local self-government and principles of its activity has been regulated into the detailed way in legal acts so as Constitution of the Republic of Poland, European Charter of Local Self-Government, self-government acts. Participation of the local self-government in exercise of public authority results above all in principle of the decentralization and the subsidiarity and its functioning is based on nature of the decentralization - self-reliance. In this thesis four kinds of self-reliance was discussed: organizational, performance of tasks, enactment, financial. The indicated self-reliance of the local self-government is subject to a legal protection and a verification supervision. The verification supervision of the activity of the local self-government is based on a criterion of the legality. It is being exercised through supervisory bodies, in forms and in the indicated way with provisions of the law.
On the basis of conducted analysis it is possible to state that the local self-government is a form of the decentralization of the public administration, and it role in the administration is extremely important on account of the attitude mating it with the self-governing community.
jest duzo bledow
i do tego to jest jak maslo maslane. Nie moglam zrozumiec o co tu wlasciwie chodzi.
(brak przedimka) 'present' (a jaki inny moze byc, jak nie ten wlasnie? po co to slowo tutaj jest?) thesis concerns local self-government and its participation in exercise of public authority. (przedimek) aim of the thesis is to prove that local self-government is a form of decentralization of public administration.
...te dwa zdania znacza to samo - po co je powtarzac? prove'...nie po to robisz badania, zebys mogla cos udowodnic, badania sie robi po to, zeby zobaczyc w jaki sposob teza ktora mamy sie potwierdza albo nie. Zdanie musi buc zmienione.

On the basis of legal 'acts' (zawsze duza litera - to nazwa wlasna) and 'the scientific literature' (np jaka? tutaj nie piszesz jaka to jest ta 'scientific' - a trzeba) the concept of decentralization was discussed and issues, characteristics associated with local self-government 'was' (po piersze to ma sie zgadzac z issues and characteristics ktore sa w l. mnogiej, a tutaj masz czasownik w l. poj, a do tego on jest calkowicie niepotr) analysed.
The public authority in Poland is exercised both by government administration authorities and bodies of 'the' (wg mnie niepotr) local self-government. (nie rozumiem po co to zdanie tutaj jest. Co ono dodaje do czegos?) The local self-government and principles of its activity 'has' (to ma sie zgadzac z 'principles' l. mnoga - a ty ciagle uzywasz czasowniki l. poj) been regulated 'into the detailed way' (calkowicie niepotr) 'in' (zle slowo, masz na mysli BY) legal Acts 'so' (calkowicie zle slowo, masz na mysli SUCH) as Constitution of the Republic of Poland, European Charter of Local Self-Government, 'self-government acts' (tego nie rozumiem, musisz to dokladniej napisac).
Participation of 'the' (niepotr) local self-government in THE exercise of public authority results 'above all' (wg mnie niepotr) in principle 'of' (zle slowo, tutaj BY) the decentralization and 'the subsidiarity' (nie rozumiem co to jest? do czego to sie odnosi?) and its functioning is based on nature of the decentralization - self-reliance. In this thesis four kinds of self-reliance 'was' (znowu to samo, tutaj masz slowo 'kinds' co jest l. mnoga, a ty ciagle uzywasz 'was' jak to ma byc w l. mnogiej) discussed: organizational, performance of tasks, enactment(,) (daj slowo 'and') 'financial' (nie, to jest zle, mozesz napisac 'finance' albo financial ale cos tam). 'The indicated self-reliance of the local self-government is subject to a legal protection and a verification supervision' (to zdanie moze byc zmniejszone). 'The verification supervision of the activity of the local self-government' (calkowicie niepotr, mozna THIS) is based on a criterion of 'the legality' (ale czego? musisz napisac to jasniej). 'It is being exercised through supervisory bodies, in forms and in the indicated way with provisions of the law' (maslo maslane, to masz w poprzednim zdaniu).
On the basis of conducted analysis it is possible to state that the local self-government is a form of 'the' (niepotr) decentralization of 'the' (niepotr) public administration, and 'it' (zle slowo, tutaj its) role in the (tu brakuje slowa) administration is extremely important on account of the attitude 'mating' (nie rozumiem tegoslowa tutaj) it with the self-governing community.

Napisz to jeszcze raz. Chcialas za duzo napisac, streszczenie ma tylko miec glowne punkty a nie cala opowiesc. Moze chyba tez wiesz, ze czytajacy bedzie cos tam wiedzial, i ze w 'streszczeniu' nie trzeba wszystko tlumaczyc az tak szczegolowo. Czytajac to, nie za bardzo jestem zainteresowana tym co masz dalej do powiedzenia na ten temat, po prostu nie 'sprzedalas' to w sposob, ktory mialby czytelnika zachwycic. Musisz to 'lepiej sprzedac'. Jest po prostu 'too dry'.
Dziękuję bardzo :) zabieram się do pracy ponownie. Nie wiem jak napisać: ustawy samorządowe napisałam self-government acts; zasada pomocniczości principle of subsidiarity; a w ostatnim zdaniu: jest niezwykle ważna ze względu na stosunek łączący go z wspólnotą samorządową. Dziękuję, dostosuję się do uwag
Nowa wersja (skrócona)

Thesis concerns local self-government and its participation in exercise of public authority. The aim of the thesis is to present main sources of European and national law, essential issues associated with the decentralization and the local self-government. The local self-government as a form of decentralization of public administration take an important part in the administration on the grounds of relation to self-governing community. Its functioning is based on the principle of subsidiarity, the decentralization and self-reliance. In this thesis four kinds of self-reliance were discussed: organizational, performance of tasks, enactment and finance, which are liable to a legal protection and a verification supervision. At this thesis analysis was made with the theoretical-legal method, which is based on provisions of law being in force, the judicial decision and doctrine. This analysis lets for describing the current structure of the local self-government.
THIS thesis concerns local self-government and its participation in THE exercise of public authority. The aim of the thesis is to present THE main sources of European and national law, essential issues associated with 'the' (niepotr) decentralization and 'the' (niepotr) local self-government. The local self-government as a form of decentralization of public administration takeS (3os.l.poj - government-it) an important part in the administration on the grounds of 'relation' (to jest zle slowo....) to self-governing community. Its functioning is based on the principle of subsidiarity, 'the' (niepotr) decentralization and self-reliance. In this thesis four kinds of self-reliance were discussed: organizational, performance of tasks, enactment and finance, which are 'liable' (zle slowo, tutaj SUBJECT) to a legal protection and 'a' (niepotr) verification supervision. 'At this thesis' (niepotr) AN analysis was made with the theoretical-legal method, which is based on provisions of law 'being' 9niepotr) in force, the judicial decisionS and doctrine. This analysis 'lets' (zle slowo, moze 'ALLOWS) 'for describing' (zle, daj tutaj...THE DESCRIPTION OF) the current structure of 'the' (niepotr) local self-government.

Teraz lepiej.
tam gdzie jest to 'relation' self-gvn authority, mozesz dac 'relationship'.
Dobrze, ze nie stosowalas kiepskiego translatora, bo na slowo 'stosunek' moglo wyjsc cos calkowicie innego...:-)
Dziękuję ogromnie za pomoc :-)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.