Weekend z maskotką Harry - sprawdzenie historyjki

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Syn otrzymał w szkole (Anglia) nagrodę za dobre zachowanie - wypożyczono mu na weekend klasową maskotkę pluszowego hipopotama o imieniu Harry. Po weekendzie spędzonym z pluszakiem naszym zadaniem (czyt. rodziców) jest opisanie przygód syna i Harrego.
Uprzejmie proszę o sprawdzanie przygotowanego przez nas tekstu. Z góry dziękuję za pomoc :)

When I came home my parents were so happy because I got star of the week.
After school we ate dinner and I took Harry into my room and introduced him to my
plush friends. In the evening I brushed my teeth and took bath. Next Hipo and I went to sleep.
When I woke up on saturday morning and I saw weather outside the window I felt sad because I thought I go outside to play. Fortunately I had Hippo and I could play with him at home. After second breakfast consisted of fruits I noticed that weather cleared so I proposed parents stroll and buy ice cream. Mom and Dad willingly agreed and we went outside. When we were eating ice cream parents told me that I will have to return Harry on Monday. I was sad. Dad said that as reward for good behavior at school he will buy me plush tiger which I saw at store. I rejoiced and went to buy a tiger.
When we returned home I ate dinner and watched with Hippo ,,Mami Fatale". Later we went into my room to play with other toys. After a bath dad read fairy tale and we fell asleep.
When I woke up I felt the smell of toast prepared by dad. I grabbed Harry`s hand and we went to living room and fast ate brakfast. After meal parents proposed trip to the swimming pool. I was realy glad becouse I love swimming! We packed towels and Harry into backpack and We went to the bus. We get into (pietrowy autobus) and I was watching with Hippo beautiful autumn views. In changing room I was sad becouse Harry have to stay into locker and I could not play with him in the water but mumy sad that we meet again soon.
At the pool I jumped into the water, dived and swam to change (na zmiane). Was great!
After returning home we ate roast chicken, chips and salad and I played on dad`s smartfon. After bath mommy read fairy tale and we fell asleep.
I am so glad I got to know Harry and I could spend with him all weekend.
Ile lat ma syn? Troche dziwne ze nauczyciel sprawdza prace rodzicow a nie dziecka. Moze zrobcie i powklejajcie jakies zdjecia, niech cos namaluje, sprobuje cos sam napisac = cos zeby to wlasnie syn byl zaangazowany.
Syn ma 5 lat.
Nikt tego nie sprawdza lecz historia zostaje przez nas zapisana w klasowym ,,spisie przygód Harrego" a następnie zostanie przeczytana całej klasie. W związku z czym chciałbym uniknąć błędów.
To jest głównie napisane po polsku angielskimi słowami.
Domyślam się, że opowiadanie nie jest napisane poprawnie dlatego proszę o pomoc w korekcie.
Po wykonaniu kilku drobnych zmian opowiadanie wygląda tak:

When I came home my parents were so happy because I have got star of the week.
After school we ate dinner and I took Harry into my room and introduced him to my
plush friends. In the evening I brushed my teeth and took bath. Next hipo and I went to sleep.

When I woke up on Saturday morning and I saw weather outside I felt sad because I thought I go outside to play.Fortunately I had Hippo and I could play with him at home. After second breakfast consisted of fruits I noticed that weather cleared so I proposed parents stroll and buy ice cream. Mom and Dad willingly agreed and we went outside. When we were eating ice cream parents told me that I will have to return Harry on Monday. I was sad. Dad said that as reward for good behavior at school he will buy me plush tiger which I saw at store. I rejoiced and went to buy a tiger.
When we returned home I ate dinner and watched with Hippo ,,Mami Fatale". Later we went into my room to play with other toys. After a bath dad read fairy tale and we fell asleep.
When I woke up I felt the smell of toasts prepared by dad. I grabbed Harry`s hand and we went to living room and fast ate brakfast. After meal parents proposed trip to the swimming pool. I was realy glad becouse I love swimming! We packed towels and Harry into backpack and We went to the bus. We got on the bus and I was watching with Hippo beautiful autumn views. In changing room I was sad becouse Harry had to stay into locker and I could not play with him in the water but mumy sad that we will meet again soon.
At the pool I jumped into the water, dived and swam again and again. Was great!
When we returned we ate roast chicken, chips and salad and I played on dad`s smartfon. After bath mommy read Winnie-the-Pooh and we fell asleep.
I am so glad I got to know Harry and I could spend with him all weekend.
I'm doing this as an exception, not the rule...and because I love children...

When I came home my parents were so happy because I 'have' (slowo jest niepotr) got THE star of the week.
In the evening I brushed my teeth and took A bath.
When I woke up on Saturday morning and I saw THE weather outside I felt sad because I thought I WOULD go outside to play.
After 'second' (zaden Anglik tego nie bedzie rozumial, pojecie nie istnieje w jez. ang. napisz 'lunch) breakfast WHICH consisted of fruits I noticed that THE weather HAD cleared so I proposed 'parents stroll' (to jest zle, tutaj ...a stroll to my parents) 'and' (niepotr) AND buy AN ice cream.
When we were eating THE ice cream MY parents told me that I will have to return Harry on Monday.
Dad said that as A reward for good 'behavior' (behaviour in BrE) at school he 'will' WOULD buy me A plush tiger which I saw at A store. I rejoiced and went to buy 'a' (nie, tutaj THE - bo wiesz o ktory chodzi) tiger.
When we returned home I ate dinner and watched (tutaj daj tytul Mami Fatale) with Hippo ,,Mami Fatale". After a bath Dad read A fairy tale and we fell asleep.
When I woke up I felt the smell of toasts BEING prepared by dad. I grabbed Harry`s hand and we went to THE living room and 'fast' (nie, to jest zle slowo, tutaj QUICKLY) ate brakfast. After THE meal MY parents proposed A trip to the swimming pool. I was 'realy' (really) glad 'becouse' (to slowo nie tak sie pisze BECAUSE) I love swimming! We packed towels and Harry into MY backpack and We went 'to' FOR the bus. We got on the bus and I 'was watching' WATCHED with Hippo SOME beautiful autumn views. In THE changing room I was sad 'becouse' BECAUSE) Harry had to stay 'into' IN THE locker and I could not play with him in the water but 'mumy' MUMMY 'sad' (nie, tu masz zle slowo, myslisz o SAID) that we 'will' WOULD meet again soon.
At the pool I jumped into the water, dived and swam again and again. IT was great!
When we returned we ate roast chicken, chips and A salad and I played on dad`s smartfon. After A bath mommy read Winnie-the-Pooh and we fell asleep.
I am so glad I got to know Harry and THAT I could spend 'with him all weekend' )zla kolejnosc slow, tutaj all weekend with him)
@Fishbon, z którego słownika jest smartfon?
nie zauwazylam tego, bo nawet nie wiem, i nigdy w zyciu nie chce wiedziec co/albo kto to jest.
Teraz już zauwazylaś to moze jej popraw żeby był komplet bo askerka paznokieć sobie złamie szukając:)
I got star of the week. - na koncu dodalabym award
into my room- to my room
the weather had cleared- na koncu brakuje ''up''
mommy- jestes w Anglii wiec literujemy przez ''u''
Dziękuję uprzejmie za pomoc i poświęcony czas :)
@Aaric Słówko to nie pochodzi oczywiście z żadnego słownika - zapisałem w ten sposób zupełnie bezmyślnie.
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