Artykuł - bezpieczna wycieczka w góry

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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Write an article for a school magazine about how to be safe if you go walking in the country or the mountains.
(120 – 180 words)

Stay safe in the countryside or mountains.

There are lots of options when you make the decision to go away on holiday. You could go abroad, go walking in the countryside or mountains. This article focuses on the two last.

Depending on how dangerous the trip is going to be you should take fewer or more items. The absolute essentials are water and food. You might not know where grocery's are in the area, so in order not to be starving you should procure foodstuffs. Most suitable is tinned food with extended best-before.

Additional, you should have a map and compass to not to get lost. The map and compass will always tell you what your position is and how to get to the destination.

Consider taking a torch and line. While in the mountains you might turn aside from the main road or fall into a cave. Without a phone or somebody else a line or torch may safe your life. The torch will give you light to see the surrounding and the line will help to get out of a cave or to extend your arms.

Not less important is learning about the please you go to. Do you homework to be prepared well. However, you shouldn't go to places with many threats – a jungle for instance or areas stricken with war. Going to such places is risky even to experienced travelers and journalists who have much experience in such regions and dealing with inhabitants. If you have little experience in traveling to rare and exotic places, first try just some well known attractions and places visited in great numbers.
edytowany przez calf: 10 lip 2016
Dopiero jak doszlam do konca to zauwazylam, ze ten article jest pozyczony z innego zrodla i ze (co jest najwazniejsze) nie odpowiada na zadany temat. Wstyd. Nawet z innego zrodla bylo blednie.

This article focuses on the 'two last' (zla kolejnosc slow, tutaj ...last two).

Depending on how dangerous the trip is going to be you should take fewer or more items.
You might not know where 'grocery's are' (to co napisalas to: 'grocery is are' , lepiej 'grocery shops, albo po prostu 'shops') in the area, so in order not to be starving you should 'procure' (za powazne slowo tutaj) foodstuffs. Most suitable is tinned food with extended best-before (tutaj potrzeba 'date').

'Additional' (nie, slowo jest 'Additionally,), you should have a map and (tutaj dalabym przedimek) compass 'to not to' (maslo maslane, that you don't) get lost.

Without a phone or somebody else a line or torch may' safe' (zle slowo, tutaj ma byc czasownik) your life. The torch will give you light to see the 'surrounding' (nie, albo daj 'surroundings' albo 'surrounding area') and the line will help to get out of a cave or to extend your arms.

Not less important is learning about the 'please' (zle slowo) you go to.
Going to such places is risky even 'to' (zle slowo) experienced travelers and journalists who have much experience in such regions and dealing with inhabitants.
in order not to starve
1. to nie jest zaporzyczyone z nikąd. Sam pisałem, wszelkie podobieństwo jest przypadkowe! I swear.
2. grocery, no tak pomyliło mi się z grocer's
3. jak praca nie odpowiada na zadany temat ... ?!? :-/
4. procure nie pasuje, ok, no to obtain
5. even to for experienced travelers
5. dzięki Terry
6. no i jaka ocena? :)
edytowany przez calf: 11 lip 2016
obtain też nie pasuje


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