Proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie tego tekstu (czy dobry jest użyty czas, czy zdania są poprawnie sformułowane itd) i jeżeli będzie to konieczne to o poprawienie błędów :) Z góry dziękuję.

I completed the first aid course. Initially, I wasn't convinced if the course would be needed for me but soon it came in useful. Last summer, I went to the seaside. When I was on the beach, I noticed a family with a young child when they bathed in the sea. Suddenly, the child choked and blacked out. The parents got their children out of the water and called the ambulance. In the meantime, I gave first aid and thankfully the girl recovered consciousness. The parents thanked me for rescuing their child. The medical rescuers congratulated me on the prompt decision and professional help.
it turned out to be useful
an ambulance - przecież to nie byla jedyna karetka
ile dzieci miala ta rodzina?
zamiast 'recovered consciousness" napisz moze 'came round', to taki ladny frazal.

pierwsze zdanie jest troche dziwne, lepiej byloby dodac okolicznik czasu, np. 'kilka lat temu'
A few years ago, I completed the first aid course. Initially, I wasn't convinced if the course would be needed for me but soon it turned out to be very useful. Last summer, I went to the seaside. When I was on the beach, I noticed a family with a young child when they bathed in the sea. Suddenly, the child choked and blacked out. The parents got their child out of the water and called an ambulance. In the meantime, I gave first aid and thankfully the girl came round. The parents thanked me for rescuing their child. The medical rescuers congratulated me on the prompt decision and professional help.

Teraz jest dobrze? A jak z czasami?
dwoch rzeczy wczesniej nie zauwazylem:
a first aid course - znowu, jeden z wielu
while they were bathing - to bylo w trakcie
A few years ago, I completed a first aid course. Initially, I wasn't convinced if the course would be needed for me but soon it turned out to be very useful. Last summer, I went to the seaside. When I was on the beach, I noticed a family with a young child while they were bathing in the sea. Suddenly, the child choked and blacked out. The parents got their child out of the water and called an ambulance. In the meantime, I gave first aid and thankfully the girl came round. The parents thanked me for rescuing their child. The medical rescuers congratulated me on the prompt decision and professional help.

Teraz ok? :)
Ja bym dał inne słowo w miejsce congratulated.
A dlaczego inne? Mi właśnie to słówko najbardziej pasowało.
A czasy wszystkie są dobrze użyte?
I to zdanie z tekstu jest poprawne: "I wasn't convinced if the course would be needed for me but soon it turned out to be very useful" ?

Jeszcze jakbyście mogli zerknąć na te teksty, to byłabym bardzo wdzięczna :)

I have difficulties in making decisions which affect other people. Some of my friends expect a piece of advice in tough real-life situations. I reckon that I am the empathic person. When I advise my friends, I make decisions about their future. I take up responsibility for their future. I am aware that not always my advices are accurate.
What is more, I don't like making financial decisions. Also, I'm reluctant to invest my earned money. I think that it comes from it that in the past I invested my money and I lost it.

(Tutaj chodzi o kurs, w którym brałam udział) I have learnt how to advise and plan healthy lifestyles, how nutrients are used in the body and how they affect health and diseases. I have gained practical experience in how to use dietary manipulation and food to treat disease and optimise health.
Jezeli ci pasuje to tak napisz ;)))
A mógłby sie ktoś jeszcze wypowiedzieć, czy te teksty są poprawnie napisane, czy czasy są dobre użyte itd.? Będę bardzo wdzięczna :)

1. tekst:
A few years ago, I completed a first aid course. Initially, I wasn't convinced if the course would be needed for me but soon it turned out to be very useful. Last summer, I went to the seaside. When I was on the beach, I noticed a family with a young child while they were bathing in the sea. Suddenly, the child choked and blacked out. The parents got their child out of the water and called an ambulance. In the meantime, I gave first aid and thankfully the girl came round. The parents thanked me for rescuing their child. The medical rescuers congratulated me on the prompt decision and professional help.

2. tekst:
I have difficulties in making decisions which affect other people. Some of my friends expect a piece of advice in tough real-life situations. I reckon that I am the empathic person. When I advise my friends, I make decisions about their future. I take up responsibility for their future. I am aware that not always my advices are accurate.
What is more, I don't like making financial decisions. Also, I'm reluctant to invest my earned money. I think that it comes from it that in the past I invested my money and I lost it.

3. tekst:
(Tutaj chodzi o kurs, w którym brałam udział) I have learnt how to advise and plan healthy lifestyles, how nutrients are used in the body and how they affect health and diseases. I have gained practical experience in how to use dietary manipulation and food to treat disease and optimise health.
Mógłby ktoś to sprawdzić? Bardzo mi zależy :)
difficulty (in)
nie jestes jedyna empatyczna osoba
raczej: when I give advice to my friends
usun 'up'
advice niepoliczalne. not always - w innym miejscu
zwrot z comes jest niezrozumialy. ... that the reason is that...

affect - wplynac negatywnie, uzyj influence
in using dietary...
2. tekst:
I have difficulty in making decisions which affect other people. Some of my friends expect a piece of advice in tough real-life situations. I reckon that I am an empathic person. When I give advice to my friends, I make decisions about their future. I take responsibility for their future. I am aware that my advice is (TU BĘDZIE 'IS' CZY 'ARE') not always accurate.
What is more, I don't like making financial decisions. Also, I'm reluctant to invest my earned money. I think that it comes from it that in the past I invested my money and I lost it.

3. tekst:
(Tutaj chodzi o kurs, w którym brałam udział) I have learnt how to advise and plan healthy lifestyles, how nutrients are used in the body and how they influence health and diseases. I have gained practical experience in using dietary manipulation and food to treat disease and optimise health.

Teraz dobrze? :)
nie poprawiono zwrotu z comes w ostatnim zdaniu

to advise on and plan (doradzac w sprawach)
2. tekst:
I have difficulty in making decisions which affect other people. Some of my friends expect a piece of advice in tough real-life situations. I reckon that I am an empathic person. When I give advice to my friends, I make decisions about their future. I take responsibility for their future. I am aware that my advice is (TU BĘDZIE 'IS' CZY 'ARE') not always accurate.
What is more, I don't like making financial decisions. Also, I'm reluctant to invest my earned money. I think that the reason is that in the past I invested my money and I lost it.

3. tekst:
(Tutaj chodzi o kurs, w którym brałam udział) I have learnt how to advise on and plan healthy lifestyles, how nutrients are used in the body and how they influence health and diseases. I have gained practical experience in using dietary manipulation and food to treat disease and optimise health.

A w tym 2. tekście ma być advice IS czy ARE:
I am aware that my advice is (TU BĘDZIE 'IS' CZY 'ARE') not always accurate. - Jestem świadoma, że moje rady nie zawsze są trafione.
advice jest niepoliczalne, wiec IS
Also, I'm reluctant to invest my (tutaj mozna dodac slowo 'hard'...hard-earned') earned money.
they influence health and diseases
to have influence ON something .../ effect ON something ...lecz ' someone can be affected :)
Zdanie mogłoby być inaczej napisane ale samo how they influence health jest ok. Ja bym np dodał '...and prevent diseases'
edytowany przez Aaric: 26 maj 2017
Ale samo INFLUENCE jest bez ON :)

I think that the reason is that in the past I invested my money and I lost IT. - tutaj może być to IT czy może powinno być THEM?
Już padło podobne pytanie wcześniej. Jeżeli jest niepoliczalne, nie może być THEM.
Ale samo INFLUENCE jest bez ON :)
..tak, samo oczywiście ,że bez ;)...wszystko zależy czy traktujemy jako czasownik czy rzeczownik .
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 28 maj 2017
I think that the reason is that in the past
...może być ale....nie wiem czy ktoś tak by to ujął 'that' 2 razy troszku niezgrabnie,..musisz przeformułować bez utraty przekazu ;) ..przed 'reason' prosi się dać 'main "..lub '... the main reason why .......":)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie