Sprawdzenie listu

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Chciałbym aby list był wolny od rażących błędów ponieważ muszę go dać na zaliczenie.
Z góry dziki.

Dear Sir or Madam
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with my recent purchase. The vacuum cleaner that I bought from your company a weak ago by email has already broken.

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that your products are different from those from advertisement. The vacuum cleaner should move easily from one place to another, but the wheels sometimes stuck, and it cannot be easily moved.
My next dissatisfaction is about the handle which should be more ergonomic, making the control of the machine a lot easier. Because the handle is not ergonomic it makes the whole device difficult to control.
Another disadvantage of this device is poor access to the waste container of the vacuum cleaner. Procedure of cleaning the container is little too complicated, and cannot be fully emptied.
My last complaint about the device is about the damage that the device made to my furniture. The sides of the machine should be made of soft material, which absorbs the impact.

In the end of my letter I would like to complain about the price which was promised to be the lowest on the market. Many shops sell it much cheaper.
I would appreciate it if you provide me with a full explanation. I would like to get a full refund or replacement of the faulty equipment.

I look forward to your quick reply.
Yours faithfully.
Tak na szybko:
...bought ONLINE from your company a weak ago by email... (co to jest "email" w/g ciebie?)
...your products are different from those from advertisementADVERTISED.

...plus kilka innych błędów ale ktos inny moze znajdzie czas
a weak ago
but the wheels sometimes stuck, brak słowa
Tu się powtarzasz:
My next dissatisfaction is about the handle which should be more ergonomic, making the control of the machine a lot easier. Because the handle is not ergonomic it makes the whole device difficult to control.
Tu też:
Another disadvantage of this device is poor access to the waste container of the vacuum cleaner. Procedure of cleaning the container is little too complicated, and cannot be fully emptied.

In the end of my letter
Dear Sir or Madam (ja lubie tutaj przecinek na koncu)
The vacuum cleaner that I bought from your company a 'weak' (to jest zle slowo) ago by 'email' (nie, chyba masz na mysli internet) has already broken.

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that your products are different from those 'from' (niepotrzebne slowo) 'advertisement' (tutaj trzeba inne slowo..advertised). The vacuum cleaner should move easily from one place to another, but the wheels sometimes (tu brak slowa) stuck, and it cannot be easily moved.
'Because' (prosze nie zaczynac zdan z tym slowem, mozna uzyc inne..np. As) the handle is not ergonomic it makes the whole device difficult to control.
(tu brakuje przedimka) procedure of cleaning the container is little too complicated, and (tu cos brakuje, 'it')cannot be fully emptied.
My last complaint 'about the device' (wg mnie niepotrzebne) is about the damage that the device made to my furniture. The sides of the machine should be made of soft material, which absorbs 'the' (nie, daj slowo 'any) impact(ale tutaj trzeba cos wiecej...np when it comes into contact with other objects) .

'In' (zle slowo) the end of my letter I would like to complain about the price which was promised to be the lowest 'on' (zle slowo, tutaj IN) the market. Many shops (ja tutaj dalabym przyklady np. Jakis tam) sell it much cheaper.
I would appreciate it if you provide me with a full explanation (ale do czego? tutaj nie jest jasno napisane). I would like to get (dodaj slowo 'either') a full refund or (przedimek) replacement of the faulty equipment.
price which was promised to be the lowest 'on' (zle slowo, tutaj IN) the market. ON the market było ok.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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