Sprawdzenie krótkiego streszczenia pracy inżynierskiej

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie poniższego streszczenia. Z góry dziękuje za pomoc.

The purpose of present thesis was to design a steel hall structure with a solid-frames portal frames, intended as a riding school. A computational model of the structure was created in Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2016, which the geometry of steel frames of the hall was implemented in, with all collected structural loads and standard parameters were assigned to all steel components. In the further step, static analysis of the structure was conducted. In the next section, the steel elements assigned to the respective groups were verified, additionally selected connections between structural elements were created. Finally, manual calculations of selected structural components were performed and received results were compared with values from the program. The last point of this thesis, was to check replacement solutions, to reduce the total weight of the hall construction and to prepare drawing documentation.
the present...
przed frames nie może być 'a', ale może chciales napisac 'frame'?
zdanie z gemoetry przerob na 'where the geometry was implemented and all collected...'. Zdanie z which jest bardzo niezgrabne, a kolejna czesc zdania nie moze zaczynac sie od with
Next zamiast tej kombinacji z further
to zle, ze piszesz o section, poniewaz mieszasz etapy pracy i rozdzialy w pracy.
Przed additionally średnik
and the results (bez received)
znowu piszesz o thesis, poza tym 'point' jest zle uzyte. Zdecyduj sie, czy piszesz o kolejnych rozdzialach, czy o etapach projektowania, bo jak to mieszasz, wychodzi dziwnie
check for
to reduce = żeby zredukować? Jeżeli to ma znaczyć 'zredukowanie', a nie 'żeby zredukowac', usuń 'to' w tej częsci i przed prepare.
Super, dziękuje za cenne uwagi.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie